Introducing Digitone II

and A4 style performance mode,

and direct pattern jump.

and fx track of some sort.



Sure but youā€™re weak and Iā€™m not ! :rofl:

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Checked the manual and see no mention of it, but no MIDI sustain pedal support?

No. I have to be strong to sell other gear. :pl:


Listening again to Digitone Experience by Dataline. I want a Digitone II Experience now! It would be crazy


Agreed. Digitone Experience is what sold me on the OG!

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I guess the experience will comeā€¦maybe also from Mr.Datalineā€¦I saw a video recentlyā€¦we miss him here.

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Wait, does it really? Is this drastically different to every other polyphonic elektron sequencer? Like if I press the notes of a chord in quick succession, like a strum, will it save the ā€œstrumā€ timing? Or will it put all the pressed notes on the same trig all with the same micro timing?

If that is the case they should be advertising it a lot more heavily. That was always the main frustration with polyphonic stuff and Elektron.

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From the specs, it has microtiming per note not just per trig. So what you play in is what you get back. Thatā€™s a pretty big deal for me as I like to record piano parts from my Nord and have them slightly loose (ie not quantised).


When will we see Digitone II Keys?


Exactly. I used to feel like the Keystep was enough to play the DN OG in quantized mode.

Now I very often reach my SL61 and play in unquantized mode to get a better feel of the keys.
DNII calls for this.


Yeah, this kind of scale transposition quantization is in the Octatrack, Analog 4, and Monomachine, so itā€™s definitely possible. You can just tell tell that the digi boxes didnā€™t have it in mind at the start, so now adding it seems like changing the paradigm.

There is some open space in the scale menu (at least on Digitakt 2) I would love to see an option there ā€œlock sequence to scaleā€ or something.



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Hmm tempting. But lets be honest - did any of you selling yours mastered your DN like Dataline in the launch video or Ess on this demo from Perfect Circuit years back?

If you did, my respect to you and enjoy your DN II. I did not, still far from scratching the full abilities of this box even owning one for years. I think I will re-visit mine DN and call it a day. The new one is a bit overwhelming . . . like DT II is :wink:


It didnā€™t make me sad, but it did give me motion sickness.

yes, this is the breakthrough indeed - plus release timing can be different too


yes. for audio voices

I guess little details like this donā€™t get normal people hyped, but they really should be advertising this more, hahaha.


Iā€™m happy for those who are looking forward to owning and using DN2! It seems like a solid upgrade, not revolutionary, but with a good set of features from other recent upgrades and some unique touches. Since I have a DNK, I will be sticking with that for quite a while (same decision for my DT1, but for slightly different reasons) but Iā€™ll live vicariously through audio and video here until I get the chance to try DN2 for myself. Iā€™m just sorry I wonā€™t be able to be very much help with questions about the IIā€™s.

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I think we are in agreement here. The only situation where that would really suck is when you save up for a long while, because you really canā€™t afford it otherwise, and then soon after the next thing comes along, while you already experience how the current thing is limiting you. Which is entirely possible.

However, in such case, buying a new Digitone, or even using hardware as opposed to a laptop and software are the choices that Iā€™d reconsider.

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