iPad Music Apps?

So far it’s sounding great. Especially for the price. Anyone else exploring it yet?


Yeah, but let’s face it, what you get for free now doesn’t even come close to what you could get for free 10 years ago. It’s outrageous.

Seriously though, love the Audio Kit apps and will be checking this out.

10 years ago free was better? Genuinely asking, I’ve only been in this hobby for about 6 years.

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It’s all inflation. Ten years ago $0 could get you 30% more apps.


Yep, can’t wait until we get to the point where we can use AI bots to make our sample packs and pay them in ‘exposure’.

Wanna be the next chatgpt of da music biz? Gotta put in the time my botdude, pay your dues.

Ironically exposure is probably a useful currency for an AI.

Hilda from Bram Bos is out, and it’s amazing. It’s like the 0-Coast, and Strega rolled into one.

Can process external audio too. All laid out on one screen, so zero menus. Even the sequencer is good! A bit like the 0-CTRL, but only a bit.

It’s the most hardware-like UI I have used in a while, because nothing moves around.


I’ve been trying it this morning, having fun running my DFAM through it. UI is a beauty, everything there at the top level, zero menus :slight_smile: Sounds great too.


Looks great and I love Noir but somehow it’s always a rip off of some well known hardware (o-coast, strega, dfam, lyra …). Not saying that it’s bad and the execution is great but it’s a strange way of creating “new” synth/app.

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Pianoteq 8 out on IOS, can use desktop licence with it.

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I think the inspiration may come from Make Noise, but the implementation is something else.

Following this line of thinking, nobody should have made a subtractive mono synth with a filter after Moog.


I think I goes beyond that. The UI, the expected sound, the copy of the exact same control etc… And it’s no old 70’s Moog stuff but some last 5 years releases they “clone”.
Again, I like their products and someone who want the real thing will get it but I find it odd.

I don’t think that’s a fair characterization. Mononoke, for example, is inspired by Lyra-8, but isn’t a close copy. I haven’t used Hilda yet, but I’ve looked at the UI and read the manual, and while I can see elements of other hardware synths here and there, it isn’t a close copy of any one of them, or even some sort of Frankenstein creation. I think there is sufficient novelty, and the changes/additions are significant.


I think the touch control icons are perhaps a bit cheeky and it’s clearly a case of “inspired by”, but it’s not a clone and Make Noise aren’t selling iOS apps, so I don’t seen any problem - I’d classify it as more of an homage. I don’t think MN are likely to lose many sales to Hilda, but they are likely to lose sales to Abacus, so I don’t want to spread my vitriol too thin.


If you care that much you should ask Bram Bos straight up if he talked to Make Noise or not He seems to be the type to give a straight answer.

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I hope they copy it to a 100% accuracy. Color scheme, fonts and all.

Does it actually look that much like the devices it’s inspired by? I’m not seeing too much here:

They’re both visually confusing, but the MN is because they use goofy typography, while with BB it’s the unnecessary grid background making it harder to see the signal path lines. :upside_down_face:

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there’s what… half a dozen complex oscillators in eurorack that all share the same basic functionality with the designers unique take/sound on things? and before that was buchla. some serge/buchla users leveled these same types of comparisons etc against make noise about the MATHS and pressure points etc. makenoise took some ideas and ran with them adding their own take on things but were clearly inspired by previous designs/ideas. this is all well and good to me.

all this stuff is out in the wild and has been for a long time. there’s no reason to get bent out of shape for someone’s take on an old idea… especially how they implement it in software. just my 2 cents of course and ymmv.


miRack , like vcv rack fantastic modular ipad app :palm_tree:



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“Talent borrows, genius steals.”

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