When i look at popular topics,
I see topics about upcomming gear, feature requests, etc…
When I look at ‘our music’. I see empty topics
When I look at all topics, it is more about gear than it is about making music.
For me making music is the goal
I love to grow in this
you are in the right place when it comes to sharing or asking for experiences and tipps on elektron devices.
you can also write your favourite rant about elektron devices
you can share music
and prey for faster elektron updates, in public
We just need to each take it on ourselves to make more interesting topics about music creation, then hopefully others will join in the discussion. I mostly answer tech questions which I like cause it’s actually a way I learn more too, I often think I should make some cool topics, but I never end up doing it…
“Be the change you want to see in the forum”
In my limited experience of this and other music forums I would say buying new stuff and dreaming of better new stuff seems pretty high up on the average posters priorities, doubt its any different to any other gear associated forum best to just ignore product based threads unless you are allready looking for something. GAS seems to be the main driving force on most sites I have visited, its a shame that the majority of posts are consumption based but there are still some choice threads and posts amongst it all, I have certainly learnt things that the manual didnt tell me during my short stay.
I must admit I love technical challenging gear, thus us a strong appeal to elektron to me. I actually make a lot of sound design, patterns, but wouldnt classify it as complete music. I am musically inept hopefully one day.
What’s music? Seriously, overcoming the constant lust for new gear and the focus on technical specs is probably the biggest possible step towards higher productivity. Ironically, DT has done wonders for me in that department.
Indeed… since jumping on the Eurocrack bandwagon I’ve really started to question y long standing beliefs of what I thought music really was… maybe I’m just misically inept like @Cosmic
I dunno man, I’m usually too busy making music or generally having a social life to check most of the posts on the forum. But it seems far more gear focused. Which I guess makes sense as it is a forum dedicated to a certain brand of instrument.
But personally I don’t care about all the feature requesting, the speculation on new products, or posting pictures of my studio, so I know where you are coming from.
i have a hard time even understanding the question. this is a page about music tech that is run by a gear brand, that’s quite obvious. there’s other places that are based around music and peoples releases, like shows, local scenes, soundcloud, bandcamp, etc.
you can do anything on these boxes, from harsh industrial power noise to 4 to the floor techno to straight up pop music or ambient. those styles speak to very different crowds. This forum is about technology. I can talk workflows and gear features with people even if their musical output is totally not my cup of tea. that’s the beauty of gear forums and I see no problem with that. about music I talk elsewhere (in fact mostly offline).
It’s a forum so generally people at the point in time of posting are talking about music rather than writing it.
If we were writing music all the time, how would we post on the forum?
What’s up with all these weird ass topics about wanting everyone to behave a certain way? There’s always the option of dramatically leaving the forum, but then actually never leaving the forum.
“dramatically leaving the forum”… technically known as “flouncing”. There’s been a few flouncers on here over the years and it’s hilarious to watch them creep back quietly.
I think GAS is something that is inevitable and admittedly difficult to contain at times - particularly in forums like this.
I too miss the cool setup advice, workflows and tips/tricks/production techinques of the past… I suppose the limitations of OG units forced people to get more creative and we saw some awesome contributions from guys like Tarekith and Wessen etc etc…
Now technological advancements move far quicker than I can cope with… the elektron boxes can be as deep as you want them to be, old or new…
As if that wasnt distracting enough, we now have to shift through copious amount of BS within certain sub-threads to eek out the more interesting stuff…