does anyone here have one?
do you like it?
it seams like it would be a fun device in a live performance
I’m thinking of getting one… and I can’t afford anything Strymon or Eventide right now…
does anyone here have one?
do you like it?
it seams like it would be a fun device in a live performance
I’m thinking of getting one… and I can’t afford anything Strymon or Eventide right now…
I had one for a while and quite enjoyed it while jamming. It’s pretty cool, but it sucked a bit that it didn’t have any MIDI in or out, and there’s no way to monitor exact parameter settings, for instance. But it’s very hands-on and pretty cool to use. Some of the effects sound nice too, but all in all, I found it a bit of a toy and ended up selling mine.
I have a KP3 and it’s fun with one caveat - timing/sync - it drifts.
So you can’t really use it as a solid replacement for a dedicated delay unit etc but you can use it in ‘bursts’ to add synced effects now and then, just don’t leave any synced effects running continuously.
But it has loads of other free running non synced filters, crushers etc that work just dandy.
I don’t think the sync thing is necessarily a bug or anything - it seems to be that it’s by design a kind of DJ tool - for adding occasional colour to a performance.
I’m pretty sure the Quad will be the same and certainly has a similar design philosophy - research the timing/sync thing if that could be an issue for you.
I was thinking of running my Analog 4 into inputs AB of my Octatrack and mostly using the FX in the Octatrack in different scene setups using the cross fader… but thought the Korg may give me more DJ FX if you will for breakdowns and even, maybe help with transitions…
I’ve got a KP3, not a Quad, but FWIW:
It will definitely give you more effects, and more instant gratification than the OT/Xfader approach, if only because KPs are plug & play, requiring little or no setup to get started. Just be aware the quality of the effects is not the greatest across the board and pretty cheeseball in many cases. To my ears, a handful of them have “sweet spots” that I save and recall. That’s half the reason I keep the KP3 as part of my live rig: It is indeed great in a live club setting and audiences love hearing something happen when you perform on it.
The other half is because the KP3 has samplepads and MIDI, so you might consider that model instead depending on how you envision using it for transitions. Housecliche is spot on about it being a good source for occasional color, but if you don’t want to burn a track on the OT for recording/looping, the KP3 will fit the bill for that too: If you slave its MIDI clock to your OT’s, you can sample CD-quality loops from your performance that will stay in time with your groove for a couple of minutes. Plenty of time for a DJ-style transition. I’ve done a few gigs recently with just a MDUW and a KP3 and it’s been great.
Do you find you use the KP3 much with the OT tho? I’m currently trying to sell mine to fund an OT, but am kind of reluctant to do so because it is so immediate and hands on. At the same time, the only effects I really use are the looper and grain settings, and the OT has that covered in spades.
I don’t own a KP3 (obviously)
but one obvious plus to using KP3 to loop over the Octatrack is it keep all your keep all you tracks free…
but how do it’s FX rank against the OT and is there anything else I’m missing here.
The OT’s effects are largely superior in general, both in terms of sound quality and the ability to set parameters precisely.
That said, there are things that you can do fairly easily with a KP3 that take a great deal of advance prep with the OT, and there’s a couple of KP3 settings you’d be hard-pressed to recreate at all. And like I say, it ranks high in the fun and drama departments. (@Accent: combining Xfader moves with pad play is terrific live, always grabs the audience.)
I’m being fairly general here I realize but that’s because both devices can do such a range of things. (I assume you’ve read the KP manuals, which are pretty short but have a list of settings.) If you like, describe a couple specific things you imagine doing with a KP3 added to your setup and I’ll do my best to help.
Incidentally, have you tossed any questions out over at the Korg forums? Last I checked there were a few pretty active KP owners over there.
thanks for all the info… I’ll try out the korg forums too…
I’m not really sure exactly what I will be doing yet… too many options.
the thing I want most is great transitions… and when I play out some “dj” effects would be great. people tend to love them. The trick is for them to not sound cheesy…
Can anyone tell me how to pass sound through the KAOSS PAD QUAD without touching the pad?
(I mean, the sound passed through it to be heard in its normal state before touching the pad to apply an effect)
There is a little switch on the back, labelled Send/Direct Connection. Direct will let the dry signal through.
Ha ha! Thanks a lot!!
KPQ is cool. Only thing that lets it down for me is not having a Gain/wet knob for each of the 4 banks. Be so much better if you could lock in a delay then freeze it. Then fade in another fx
I saw Nivek Ogre using one live for realtime vocal fx and it sounded wicked.