…or, an approach to fattening up your MDUW tracks.
It’s not novel in and of itself, it’s based on some fairly well-known “layering” principles … what I’ve been exploring is how to apply them to house tracks on the MDUW specifically, with a mind to handling its limitations and exploiting its capabilities. I find it permits a more textured groove than the internal synths alone, and one whose elements don’t overwhelm the master efx, two issues I often come across as I work.
First, create a 1-2 bar top rhythm loop. Use the master efx however you like – add a splash to the snare here, some delay on the hats there. Get it sounding good on its own. Sample the resulting loop into RAM-R1.
Next, go to a different pattern and kit. This time create your oontz basics, focusing on the sounds that will sound good dry / will not need to be fed into any of the MD’s master efx, but will also benefit from their own 1-band EQ. Kick, offbeat hats, 1-cycle bass line for example.
Add two RAM-P1 machines to the pattern and pan them L-R slightly. These will play back the saved top loop in pseudo-stereo.
Lastly, add a couple of samples of melodic sounds you like. Chord hit, synth hit, whatever – but not more than a couple. Load these up to their own machines.
Prepwork is done. Now to put it all together:
The basic groove combined with the RAM top will sound great together cos you can filter/EQ the RAM-P machines to sit right where you want them to among the internals. This is a couple of layers already, good enough to sound cool on its own, but what’s even better: You haven’t yet engaged the main pattern’s reverb or delay, which you can reserve for use with the melodic samples. The MD’s effects are limited of course, and the advantage here is that they won’t be overloaded.
first bit is the top rhythm alone built with internal synths and a vinyl sample.
second is the ram sample version of it.
third comes the basic groove of kick etc. made with the internals and 1-cycle bass.
next is the basic groove combined with the ram top.
then the melodic sounds thru the MD’s effects, solo first then together with the rest