Lend us your ears

So…looking at the manual quickly: the tonal digital machines aren’t mnm tonal craziness right? I mean sure this new baby can make crazy sounds still but another crazy.

Having mnm, md, ar and the dk i think I’ll wait for the first second hand syntakts and give it a shot then and don’t burn too much money (again). :slight_smile:

Still this new thing seems like a powerhouse to me. Super small footprint for such a variety of sounds. If i hadn’t so many boxes already this would be an instant buy.

And since im not too active on here for now: thanks for all the fun i had following this thread. You’re all legends.
May the tuna be with you.


over 30 machines? Well done, well done! :clap:

Syntakt Central Station

If you want to invite your other instruments to Syn City, they’re more than welcome. A MIDI machine can be assigned to any of the 12 synth tracks, with four-note polyphony, LFOs and plenty more.

Syntakt is also ready and able to connect to Class Compliant devices, meaning it can easily hook up to computers, smart phones, or tablets for USB audio and MIDI. Connect with ease.

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Can you finally confirm now if the Function button is Tuna or red LOL


So do you have to sacrifice one of the 12 tracks to enable a MIDI track for external sequencing? Like on a Novation Circuit?

Overbridge 2.1 as a bonus.

List of changes from 2.0.65 to 2.1.0

Added Syntakt Plugin

New channel design in Overbridge Control Panel

Added levels monitoring in mixer

Added ability to change start/end in Rytm Sample graph Added ability to change start/length/loop in Digitakt Sample graph

Added ability to preview samples with space key

Added name of right-clicked parameter to menu

Added update warning if Overbridge and device versions do not match in plugins when using auto-select

Added missing LFO1 destinations in LFO2 destination list for Digitone

Fixed issue where pattern values where loaded when loading a project with globals enabled

Fixed issue where Digitone Reverb Shelving Filter Frequency jumped between 0 and 127 when using the graph

Fixed issue with global track level in track view

Fixed issue where changing Reverb Send in Analog Four Saturator Delay also changed the input filtering graphics

Fixed issue with the attack in the Filter and User envelope in Analog Four

Fixed various issues with the right-click modulation menu in all plugins

Fixed issue where pattern mutes did not update after changing pattern

Fixed crash when closing DAW while Sidechain Routing window is open

Fixed issue where INT TO MAIN auto setting was not working correctly while CPU was stressed


I probably tried something similar, but probably 1.00A_210420 or so.
I could not try every combination :smiley:

I mean, found the icon already yesterday, tried the press release and so on, no success :smiley:

yeah, just catching up now. this is pretty extensive.

Edit after reading a bit more: I like that there is still some value to the older boxes while they are bringing something new to the mix.

…and did I see Shimmer reverb? Or was that a patch called “Shimmer”?

i guess i specifically mean import tax, that sort of thing?

So many machines… concerned that this box will feel unfocused and annoying to use

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Muahahahaaaa :crazy_face:

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Pitaya or dragon fruit would be more appropriate.

I like Elin’s voice :slight_smile:


I’ll buy it used!
I miss the cenk demos …


There is also a Transfer update. :innocent:


ORDERED! OMG I’m so excited.


In the manual credits.