Against all possible gear syndrome acquisition, sometimes just by fashion, intagram picture show up syndrome, unplugged studio pictures full of equipment, and so on… would be nice to see the most you can do with the less possible amount of Elektron equipment you may own. Any takers?
The practical minimum is one!
@Eaves / Ivar Tryti is a great example.
Thanks for the shout out @Tchu!
Anytime Ivar.
To See or to hear?
My personal maximum amount is two Elektron boxes at a time and even then it’s overwhelming at times.
Lately I’ve been exploring the OT and MnM combo a lot and I really love it.
Many of the boxes seem like they’re made to be couples, A4&AR, DT&DN, MnM&MD and OT& any other device.
Also using the A4 with the Syntrx is a perfect pair especially with the cv mod, running the Syntrx signal through A4.
I will definitely post some clips after I’ve been able to buy a new computer since my mbp died recently.
I had two octatracks and had to sell one. I’m thinking about restoring the duo though as it was a great setup.
I keep wondering if my productivity would get a boost if I actually had one of the official “pairs”. Which one should I complete? M:C and added M:S? DN and added DT? MD and added OT?
Currently I’m basically planning on pairing one Elektron at a time with Deluge (including sampling from whatever if needed), and then finishing in Ableton, but I haven’t really dove that deep yet due to my job and more recently this case of sinusitis that just doesn’t wanna go away.
Not in a rush to buy gear right now just entertaining the thought.
can you tell how you used them together? was one routed into the other? Sounds really interesting!!
I make all of my music using only an Analog Heat
I guess you could get pretty far with self-oscillating-filter and voltage spikes from plugging and unplugging the inputs?
Basically see my entire YouTube channel
It’s definitely a future Hainbach episode
Today I’ll be pinging the filter of an Analog Heat
Yes it was a blast. I had them running into 4 channel Dj mixer using studio mode. Then I would use one as master for send and receive but change that as I went so could change projects. Although, thinking about it I rarely did that as I had enough tracks and sampling to go off on one for extended periods……
I saw this thread and my mind went to the most minimal approach possible: 1 machine, 1 sample.
I happened to have like 20min to spare during lunch so I grabbed the Octatrack and set this same Moog sample on 7 tracks (used 8 as the Master):
And then after much mangling, I had this loop.
Not the most groundbreaking techno jam you’ve ever heard but still a fun challenge.
Going on two years with just an AnalogKeys
jesus, what a setup! love it!
It’s difficult to say.
The point I was making was mostly referring to the DT&DN midi connectivity, MD&MnM for their complementary sound characteristics and A4&AR for the cv connectivity.
Indeed. Having independent track lengths and running two synced tempos yielded significant results. Also had unsynced guitar loops running into thru machines and using gated trigs to bring them somewhat in line. Somewhat.