Looks cool! Sega vibes. YM2612 FM engine.
ouch, my leg!
Street of Rage
Shoot, they got me again!
And this one feels precision aimed. Great. Yeah never mind on the MC-101. I’m getting this so quick.
Remembering the interface of the XFM, I don’t think there are savings in comparison to a MEGAfm …
XFM sounded great but felt plastic as heck.
But goodness. This stops me from waiting on that tiny Behringer FM groovebox.
Well, got one on the way! Will report!
its about half the cost of a MEGAfm from what I can tell but yeah its not actual YM2612 chips. The videos are lacking a bit of high end sizzle one might expect from the old chips, although it might be there as there is a setting for legacy mode, so it is possible all the videos are shot with it off?
Probably doesn’t matter how exact its emulation is with how cheap it is though. People will get it and make cool stuff with it.
XFM is a bit more complex to handle, also thanks to the possibility to create your own algorithms (which is quite a cool and often overlooked feature).
As the MEGA Synthesis has been the fourth Sonicware product I was using, I got somewhat used to their slightly particular workflow.
But in terms of usability, I found the Twisted Electrons MEGAfm to be more hands on, whereas the Mega Synthesis is the more complete package for chiptunes (due to the PCM and PSG engines).
In terms of sound, both are surprisingly different still, though. The MEGAfm is grittier and harsher in its high frequencies. It also “offers” more artifacts if you like that. In my setup, I’d prefer the MEGAfm for Dub Techno (still my favorite synth for that genre), Ambient, etc. whereas I possibly choose the MEGA synthesis for Chiptunes.
Oh, you’re Limbic Bits! I read that you had some input on the development? Neat!
I’ve tried the Liven XFM and Bass&Beats in the past, but I’m really hoping this is the one that really sticks for me. I liked the workflow on those easy enough, but you’re right. XFM might’ve been a little too deep FM for my dense head. I guess this is why I prefer the Opsix and Syntakt over the Digitone.
I’m super excited about this one! I want to commit to just one portable synth instead of several small ones and I’ll do my best to really work this thing.
Ive never cared for segs megadrives or chiptune or video game music, but this looks and sounds really fun.
This might be the groove box I want.
The advert is amazing.
I had the pleasure of being part of the sound design team, although I wasn’t involved in the development. If you felt comfortable with the workflow on the other Sonicware machines, you should find getting along with MEGA Synthesis quite easy.
Yuzo Koshiro!
I’m saving for other stuff but I have to admit I’m tempted; Not really a faithful recreation of the core sound of the YM2612 (a la Plogue), but funny nonethless.
I’m always happy when new hardware for chiptune music Is released!
I love how it sounds and been a fan of Yuzo koshiro works for years… Damn it I wanted to get a ep-133 KO II but now I am confused…
Still, the FM EDIT without a proper screen/dedicated app seems like a nightmare.
I absolutely like where they are going though. I am hoping they will do a FM xt next, fm with a screen to edit presets would be insanely good, I am thinking this could be a proper budget digitone if they ever go that road.
It sounds great to me. Brings back a lot of memories. Only question is how to integrate that beautiful sound into my music.
Love the ad, love Koshiro-San, probably won’t buy this. But best of luck to them!!
Same question here, which I can answer without doubt by: that’s why I don’t need it
Great sounds though, gets me a little nostalgic.
You look like a timbre wolf huhu.