Looks like there’s still no movement on this, at least with the AR. Does anyone know if there are workarounds to this, or if any other Elektron devices have this feature?
This is one of those few things where I’m not sure why Elektron hasn’t implemented this as a universal feature by now.
You can reverse the copy & paste process (and delete the pattern) when you’re happy with the new bar. Works best for time signatures that fit neatly into 16-step pages.
Second, a rant, which you can skip
Can we all just drop with this entitled “they should have done X by now” comments.
If you collect them all up from the 100s of threads where people drop the phrase/idea you’ll see that there’s SO MANY of them there’s no way even a team 2 or 3 times the size could get through the workload in any reasonable time, and also work on new product.
Sure, whatever bug/niggle/feature you’re experiencing today is annoying. But expecting anyone to fix this, and to give you the fix for free, is ridiculous. The Elektrons are hardware instruments, not general purpose computers with infinitely flexible UI. Elektron can’t move the buttons around or add a new dropdown menu (easily). Every single decision has to be balanced against some other one they made; some of those decisions can’t be changed because it’s hardware and there’s 1000s of models already out there. The more complicated the interaction, the weirder the key combination will be. Some of them are already a bit weird. If they make it too weird, people will complain about that instead of complaining the feature isn’t there.
Thanks for the help, man! I’ll have to try this out tonight.
I did read your rant.
Totally understand what you’re saying. And my intention was definitely not to sound entitled, though I can see how it came off that way.
I should have framed that comment differently. Really, some features that I feel are lacking only seem that way to me, someone who is coming from exclusive DAW use. At the same time, I do understand and respect that using a piece of hardware is it’s own beast and comes with it’s own mentalities (even though sometimes it may not come across that way).