Machinedrum Mk2 UW+ vs Standard Mk2


I was just wondering if the Mk2 UW+ price difference is justified against a None Machinedrum Mk2 if I already have a Digitakt ll & Octatrack

Ive been offered both machines but at a £600 price difference and I cannot decide between the two

Any advice would be great


The standard MK2 has no +drive, and no sampling.
Still you can dump/import project by sysex, or you can go the MCL way which should remove the project limitation.
So in short, go for the MK2 if you have already the OT and in the future you may be interested in MCL.



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The only benefit of the UW, in the context of already having the OT, is the grungy 12-bit sound when samples get converted internally. +Drive comes in handy with the UW option in order to have banks of samples ready to load (as well as kits, patterns, etc.) Otherwise, all the basic sampling and real time resampling that one can do with the MD UW are covered in the OT.


& I’ll add here while this kind of thing is entirely subjective, I do find the 12 bit downsampling & playback to be a bit sterile sounding compared to modern vst emulations of the sp1200 or the actual 12 bit hardware. could just be a taste thing vs actual sound differences too.

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Resampling is another. (Just noticed you did mention, but they’re a bit more primal compared to OT)
I’ve only ever experienced 2 RAM machines, loads of ideas for 4! You could daisy chain resampling triggers to catch specific parts of a loop. Throw in mcl conditionals on the REC trigs there’s a whole world to explore.

600£ is a lot for sampling. But weigh up an unofficial +drive is close to or around 200£.
Plus you’ll have the 1, 2, 3, 4 elektron vox roms. They’re worth £63 alone.

I’d love a backstory on those samples. Where are they from? Who uttered these numbers in the office, or from another source?

i never ad uw but heard it is great - but my standard macinedrum is soooo goooood

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Choose the UW - I got one recently.

It’s less about putting samples into and more about it resampling itself on the fly. After I understood the power of this technique, it became very clear I had made the right decision in purchasing a UW+. You can then mash it all up with CTR-ALL and teeter on the edge of chaos.

Although any Machinedrum is a powerful tool, the UW keeps it (arguably) heads above the rest.