Made the Digitakt 2 polyphonic by coding an arduino

Meanwhile got 10 units ready… all soldered, build, programmed and tested.
Pretty happy with the result of this little hobby project. I in no way aspire to make this my job, though. It is quite a lot of work, and I have enough of that already :slight_smile:

But the ‘production chain’ is pretty streamlined now having build these, so things should be fairly smooth from here on. The units will be available on Etsy soon, just to share my creative joy with fellow musicians…

Next step: packing the units in sturdy little boxes…


Finally got ten units packed and ready to be shipped. If it wasnt for Etsy blocking for now…

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Store is up and running ( ) … for those interested: I got 10 units in stock.


Cool product. Would it work with a syntakt?

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I do not own a Syntakt, I do own a Digitakt 2.
But since Syntakt is monophonic AFAIK, it should work, if you set it up the same way as you would for the DT.

Looks great but looks like the UK is not selectable as a shipping destination. :sob:

Got is sorted,. should be fine now though. :upside_down_face:

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