Made the Digitakt 2 polyphonic by coding an arduino

Just wanting to share my new joy…

Really having fun with my Digitakt 2 so far, but also missing the polyphony of proper synth…

So I coded an Arduino to split the midi over different channels, loaded up a wavetable, let it smoothly modulated over the slices and voila, a realtime polyphonic recorder is born…

After recording the midi, its an easy feat to sample the created riff into a sample and free up the used channels as well…

Have some new ideas to implement as well, but first a case around it, (or make it smaller even…)

(meanwhile I included a split/layer-function (to use multiple sounds at the same time) and a transpose per split)


Haha… well done!!! People doing their thing this way, always feels like real-life-Cyberpunk to me. <3


Edit: I admire your work @BigJ, just wanted to show another thing that does what you want, and can be programmed with arduino aswell.

This could also be done with the fairly compact RK-002

And a link to a Blokas Midihub for reference :slight_smile:


Nice one! Didn’t realize that, thanks!
I had the arduino lying around doing nothing, but now, now its useful, how about that :crazy_face:!


Always more rewarding to create with what you have, instead of new stuff (if you have the skills)


Congrats @BigJ.
I have the RK002 with the Polymux with Aftertouch Example script.
It has cool features : held notes are maintained while you play other notes, channels rotating with the non-held notes.
If you tweak CCs on the receive channel it is sent on all poly channels, useful to set parameters for all tracks at the same time.
And poly aftertouch (key pressure) is converted to mono aftertouch (channel pressure) for all poly tracks.

Hope it is inspiring for coding. The script should be visible on Retrokits DUY portal…


Thanks for the suggestions indeed. Been thinking about the aftertouch and CC values as well, to control whatever function within DT. But also connecting aftertouch to pitchbend or panning, or velocities to REV and DELAY levels.

For interfacing I’m thinking about adding a small TFT with an encoder/click button and I might use a Arduino Nano instead. And use some memory to store different settings as well, I want it to work without any computer needed at all.


Interesting !

Fun fact: got all mine and your suggestions coded today :slight_smile: Still all running on a single MCU, no computer needed…

Modes so sofar:
0 = basic polyphony,
1 = split ,
2 = layer ,
3 = chord,
4 = inverse keyboard,
5 = vel2CC,
6 = mod2CC,
7 = keypressure2CC,
8 = incoming CC 2 CC all,
9 = hold and rotate,
99 = transparant MIDI

Still in progress though… gotta start working on the HUI now…


Just to share: my take on making the Digitakt polyphonic

The TAKTExpand is a standalone device and now features:
MIDI in/out
TFT lcd
Rotary encoder with click
2 CV inputs (0-5v protected) for use with modular synths
Control many features of Digitakt with velocity, modulation, pitchbender, aftertouch and MIDI knobs and sliders
Modes: Polyphonic, split, layer, inverse, hold and spin, randomchannels, chord
2 zones programmable range on tracks

More different parameters to control in the Digitakt coming soon…
Sharing a video with some of the posibilities.
The mainfunctions:

The funbit, controlling functions in digitakt with vel/mod/pb/aftertouch and 2 cv inputs coming from my modular… So much fun!

Here in more closeup my DIY synth LFO controlling the digitakt thru my TAKTExpand…


Very cool project @BigJ what are you doing to prevent the midi stream from being overwhelmed by a (fast changing) CV signal whilst still maintaining a smooth CC response?

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I tightly control the timing of the CV readings, so that it is smooth even when playing notes on the keyboard.

Maybe in future I’ll use an different processor all together, but for now I had this Arduino laying around. ESP is faster overall than the good old Arduino, but its doing a pretty good job already.
I’m implenting more options now, so I guess this will be WIP for a good time to come… :slight_smile:

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I improved some details on the housing, and printed it in black. So much nicer!

Forget to mention its also possible to control multiple tracks at the same time, by using for ex. a simple cc-knob, or by using 1 of the cv inputs and feed it with an LFO or ADSR coming from you modular, sweet!

(Okok, last time, I promise… )


This is fantastic. Are you willing to make these for other people? Cheers.

Sure, I improved the interfacing quite lot in the mean time. It’s a really fun little machine!

It might take some time to get started (me being on vacation now, so hold on for a few days please). I’d have to calculate the actual costs for materials, shipping and so on. I’ll let you know soon.

(If more people would like one I might just start an Etsy, that would perhaps greatly simplify things).


Update: I’ve designed the final PCBs and have setup an Etsy for the TAKTExpand.
I’ll make the units to order, check and test everything before shipping it out.
Production is all handwork so allow for some productiontime.

The price for a single unit is 75 euros excl shipping.
If all goes well, it’ll be available in 2 or 3 weeks :slight_smile:

I love hearing your feedback once it is in your hands, still have many ideas for the unit.
Since I’m still in prep-phase, if you want one please let me know.
Meanwhile you can read all the info on the unit here:


That is incredibly nice! Excellent work!

I’m watching my spending at the moment, but would love to acquire one of these delights sometime in the near future.

Got some batch production going on here.
Making cases, soldering a dozen of units, programming, testing, assembling units.

Just a little while longer and then I’ll put em up on Etsy…


Very nice!

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I hope you sell a lot of them before Elektron finally updates the DTII with a couple of these features.

It would be kinda shocking if polyphony isn’t already in the works for the next update.