So, I have a track(s) that’s quite busy. I have plocked, to 100%, the key trigs of the groove.
When I drop probability to 0% it becomes sparse and most excellent.
I have done this to several tracks in the pattern and would like to assign to several controller knobs so they are all accessible at once. I am having trouble as I don’t think you can map this.
Any advice/workarounds? I am trying to keep to one pattern if possible.
You’re wanting to adjust probability percentage of various tracks from your controller as opposed to doing it from inside the pages on the DT itself? Since you can’t map it why not duplicate the entire pattern and set the first to 100% and the second to 0% and toggle between them. I’m pretty sure that as you assumed, however, that it can’t be mapped. Maybe you could also consider doing it as a fill but I don’t use fills very often so not sure how to advise you of the best way to set it up.
If you lock the necessary “key” bits on every track, you could add one layer of additional control by adding some control-all (TRK + encoder), from any track’s trig page.
Yeah, a fill could well have helped but I’ve set it up for something else now.
Had I known from the start that I couldn’t map probability, I would’ve set up some serious fill business…
not specifically, I was just thinking you could do a simple test track with like one sound or strictly parameters and monitor the midi from your computer when you tweak the probability. If it outputs some kind of sysex maybe there’s hidden control mapping and in that case if you identified it maybe you could send changes from ableton. not my area of expertise so not really something I could walk you through but I know that this is how some people have figured out the sysex strings for other gear.
in that case, via ableton, it may be possible to map more complex actions to your controller.
@sezare56 might be able to advise on the procedure of identifying the sysex by monitoring the midi output but like us, probably can’t predict the outcome.
One of the tracks is 32 steps, others 64 but with conditional trigs.
As I was dropping off to sleep last night, I’ve realised I could get the same effect just plocking volume or velocity on the ‘key’ trigs then map that to the controller.
I think I only started with probability as it, and conditional trigs are the first things I start messing with when trying stuff like this.
Velocity no good as stuff is still audible at minimum velocity. 1. ??? Why not zero?
Using amp vol (Syntakt, but would be the same on Digitakt) it work but not in the same way as with probability, in that, the steps are still triggered but inaudible. When I used probability, the steps weren’t triggered and I got a nice effect with the steps that did trigger, ringing out their full envelope.
Don’t know if that makes sense but I will be making a feature request for probability to be controlled via Midi.
So, just for clarity and so you all don’t think I am a rambling loon (I possibly am tbh), I’ll give a really basic example…
If you had a full 16th note hihat pattern programmed, if you locked the offbeat 8ths to 100%, turning down the probability to 0% would give a variation at the turn of a knob. Also, the decay/release times can be adjusted to make the most of this variation.
I don’t imagine it’s anything new I’m trying to do here but just in case it might fire someone’s imagination…