i haven’t actually used them with the Octatrack but I have a MIDI
pal that I use all the time, one of the best purchases I’ve made. there’s also a Rocktron 6 in/8 out MIDI patch bay I forget the model of that I use for routing, but it also has two assignable MIDI processors available, with a lot of basic stuff like MIDI echo and so.e filtering and I think it can split different ranges of notes to different channels, but nothing exotic. it’s a relatively cheap way to get some MIDI processing and a solid patchbay/router if you can find one.
I actually mostly use the MIDIpal with other gear rather than the OT. Mainly for filtering, MIDI echo and the arpeggiator. I haven’t needed it in my Octatrack workflow yet.
I’m thinking about building a MIDIgal soon so that I can run the clock analysis/itter removal firmware for trackign stuff out to DAW. It should work really well, but it won’t run on an original MIDIpal
I checked and the patchbay is actually a Voodoo Labs MX-8, not Rocktron (although I could have sworn both brands were owned by the same company).
Even if nobody cares about that topic I’m happy to announce that now I can recall 2 scenes at the same time with one scene button!
Basic example : pitch +12 on both scenes while modulating filter. You can make several transpositions on the fly pressing scenes A while mangling other parameters.
8 x 2 scenes, enough for me.
Principle : midi loopback, when I change Scene A, OT sends CC55, values 0-15. I use EPPlus to trigger CC56 values 0-7 when I press scene A 9-16 (CC55 values 8-15).
Wait, can you actually send a midi note to change scene selections? If so, that would be nuts for that live guitar performance thing you demonstrated with a midi foot pedal
I was super inspired by your guitar performance! That is like one thing that you can ONLY do with the Octatrack and would actually make for cool performative element- so I definitely want to poke around with that technique.
The notion of being able to do that with a foot pedal. So cool.
I use my Nord G2 as best friend with my OT.
And the G2 can be used as a flexible midi processor if you want.
What i use often is using the OT crossfader (CC48) to control a morph-group in the G2 (so i can change all kinds of parameters in the G2 with the crossfader). I even made it so that the G2 reacts on Scene changes and i can set (in the G2) on wich scenes the crossfaders works or not.