Miidi CC # for Machinedrum FUNCTION+EXT

I’ve connected my Machinedrum up to an external Intech controller.
On Track 16 of the Machinedrum I’ve given it a CTRL ALL machine. I’ve then mapped the external intech controller sliders for Filters, Reverb, Delay and a few others which is pretty nice to have, kind of like an Octatrack and have it easily accessible as an always separate way to control these for performances.

What I’m trying to figure out is if there is a CC number for the FUNCTION + EXT ‘reset’ feature. If you have a Machinedrum, you’ll know what I’m talking about – messing about with your parameters as a performance but resetting back to your save state by pressing these two buttons.

I’ve hooked up my Machinedrum to my computer and the software called MidiView to see what CC numbers come up for certain button/knob interactions. Unfortunately I don’t see anything come up for the FUNCTION+EXT buttons.

Does anyone know if it exists and if it is mappable?


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A CC, definitely not. Most likely a Sysex. You should check in the manual (it documents sysex, unlike newer machines…).
But then, it’s very unlikely that your controller is able to send a sysex, so you’d have to use some sort of midi processor.


Thanks for the reply.
I’ve gone through the general Midi mapping section in the Machinedrum manual but haven’t found anything yet in the other sysex section, and no button presses register externally for pressing FUNCTION+EXT. Same goes with PLAY and so on.

Related, I was also curious to map the MASTER FX ECHO (Delay) count to a knob with an external controller and was successful by using the Midi software to see the hex code when the echo count is increased. The echo count ranges from 0 to 127 and is adjustable in the Machinedrum MASTER FX panel under ECHO. This would be cumbersome to do live.

In this screenshot, the hex values are listed, where the value “07” is the echo count. I was able to map this to an external intech controller knob above a slider that turns the echo reverb on/off. I’m going to try and figure out if I can make the value go in increments (most likely possible with intech’s software) so I can have values such as 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, etc. then having the ability to turn it off and on live and change the speed. Currently when I turn it, it goes from 0 to 127 and makes for some interesting sounds, but not really in sync.

Thought I’d share in case anyone gets any ideas of mapping some of these things or has any suggestions on writing a line of code to give incremental or set values in multiples of 8 for the midi mapping software.

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I’m interested in the topic, but clearly won’t have time soon to try. Sorry, priorities !

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Hi maybe it’s on the doc posted on the forum there’s some extra info

“Undocumented SYSEX MD GUI via MIDI”


This !
Both button presses are accessible via sysex, so it should be possible !

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Previously on Elektronauts:


Fantastic, thanks for this