Whats up everyone, I just wanted to do a quick write up of some tips that I’ve acquired over time.
The purpose of this is really to get a great ITB sound with OT and a Multitimbral synth. Many people, myself included are running this set up. I use a Waldorf Blofeld, but obviously a TI Virus or anything else like this is going to be extremely similar.
Generally, this is for the community but it also helps me collect my thoughts and maybe help others who are struggling. Originally I had given up on doing full in the box arrangements and mixes but I’ve had several breakthroughs in the past two weeks I’d like to share. Sorry if this information is redundant somehow with other peoples information.
Here Goes:
-Rethinking track structure:
It helps to think of the Octatrack as a computer DAW for a second, especially if you are coming from that background. There are 8 audio tracks, and just like on your DAW, each is monophonic. However there is one big difference between this and your DAW, there are no busses.
Working with short samples and manipulating them is a big part of creating loops and further mangling, yet it is often the nature to think of some tracks as the “drum track(s)”, the “lead track(s)”. This methodology is perfect for a computer DAW since you have both unlimited monophonic tracks and unlimited busses and effects.
However with the OT this is not the case. Therefore it might be useful to rethink the tracks as hybrid tracks/busses. The P-lock system essentially allows you to place any sample on any track. Therefore we must take advantage of this. Make one track your “compression track” put any sound you want compressed and edit the settings per sound to get exactly what you want. You might want to have multiple of some of the more useful effect combinations. For example you might have multiple filter and delay tracks because they are quite useful.
In terms of arrangement this might not be ideal, but overall this has improved the sound of my songs coming straight from OT.
This is simple enough, dont put max level as the starting point of the track. Give yourself head room.
This is going against the knowledge that many people who are more experienced than me have said. So why am I this retarded?
Again this goes back to the DAW analogy. Personally when I work in my DAW I don’t like anything on the master except maybe a limiter. This is really unnecessary on the OT.
In reality the best possible course of action is to record your entire song into a recording on the OT, use that file that youve bounced in another project. Now do a plays free track on T1 and make your next 3 tracks neighbor tracks. The chain that I use personally is 3 Parametric EQ, 1 Filter, 1 Dark Reverb, 1 Delay, 1 Plate Reverb and 1 Spatializer. Make the trig a one shot and let it play free.
That is my OT mastering chain. I set them by ear mostly, so on your own track play with the settings and chain, this is really just an example.
Now rebounce to audio in the same way as the first time. You can take this out of the CF card as a .wav straight into your computer.
I’ll add more as a I think of it. Thanks for reading my advice and I hope it helps you in some way.