MK1 vs MK2 same sound improved functionality?

So I produced some tracks solely on the AR MK1 a couple years ago and I want to revisit the same patches and especially the DELAY. It is important that the delay act and sound like MK1. But, the MK2 improvements are super enticing. Thoughts? Opinions?

The MkII is the same in sound, but with additional features.


Depending how many years ago, you may have only been using the legacy FX?

Huh, are legacy fox still stock on the units?

Identical sound wise and FX wise - the legacy send FX toggle only adjusts the send levels and is retained seamlessly if you move from Mk1>2 or 2>1 - nothing to worry about there - not sure how seamlessly any +drive sample handling will be if you need to copy across any samples used

Thank you for your responses. Very helpful!

I just ordered a Rytm mkII but I’m thinking that I prefer the mkI, especially the form factor. And the price, damn, I could buy a spare unit and it would cost the same price as a new mkII black.
I don’t care about sampling external sources.
The only difference that seem to matter to me is the USB bandwidth in case I use OB2 for multitracking. Am I mistaken that multitracking all tracks with OB2 on the mkI is not possible due to the USB 1 port ?

Nope, you are not mistaken. I have a MkI and I’m quite happy with it, but my main use is actually with OB2. When I run OB at 24bit I get 6 channels in max and when I run OB in 16bit (which I don’t want to) I get 8 channels max. Mind you that you need 10 channels to get all channels including the effects from the RYTM.

I have been considering the RYTM MK2 for this very reason alone, but also the sampling capabilities in the MK2 are enticing to me.

In the end I’ll prolly just live with my MKI and hope that Elektron brings out a new top tier drummachine before they commit to cloud based marketing invented bullshit.


Thanks for the answer. Not sure what I will do…

The mk2 also have really separate outs, a directly accessible Perf pot.
Even if you don’t use onboard sampling, I have found more than once the resampling aspect very interesting to transform sounds further, e.g. use onboard distorsion/compression on a sample and resampling it to keep the dirt while saving the rest of the Kit and especially the hats from annihilation.

If money is not that much a problem, I’d say keep the mk2 for now (the black version seems not as big)


Seems not as big?

I had the grey one before, it seemed really big placed besides the OT.
For some reason the black clothes make the mk2 slimmer, in my eye :relieved: