Model: cycles midi to Behringer TD-3

I’ve owned the model : cycles for about a year. I just got a TD-3 the other day on a whim. I have spent about 4 hrs now trying to get the TD-3 to sync with the M:C via the 5 pin din. I have literally changed every setting within the M:C and nothing works…I am attempting to use the M:C as the Master clock.

I have connected the TD-3 to ableton and it syncs just fine via USB. I have connected the M:C to the TD-3 via the midi out (using the dongle) to the TD-3’s 3.5mm sync port and it will work so-so…it doesn’t keep perfect time, but it is at least better than nothing. I cannot get the TD-3 to pick up any midi via the 5 pin din from the cycles.
I am using the dongle that came with the cycles. Within the config menu I have the midi sync set to “clock out” on. I have the Td-3 set to receive midi clock via the midi in port. I have T-6 set to “Mout” on the M:C. I have the midi ports set to “out to” MID and everything else turned off along with the pol set to STD. I have the midi filter settings rcv note:OFF, rcv cc:OFF, Encs: I+E and the out chan set to T-6 1. I don’t think any of the channels matter as the TD-3 evidently only responds to clock and transport messages, and not note (as far as I can tell)
I have no idea why the cycles will not send clock out of the 5 pin din or why the TD-3 wont receive any data. I have literally scoured google, this thread, youtube, both manuals from top to bottom, what am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


You don’t have MIDI Out set to Thru, do you?

And it looks like you need to change the TD-3’s clock source.

Manually adjust the clock source and rate by pressing the BACK and WRITE/NEXT buttons at the same time:

  • Clock Source: Press Selector 1 (INT/TD-3), 2 (MIDI/DIN), 3 (USB/COMPUTER), or 4(TRIG/SYNC IN).

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Thanks for the reply! I have the clock source set to midi on the TD-3 and the PPQN set to 24. I have toggled through all the clock settings and sources on the TD-3, which is how I know that it will work with ableton via USB and also the M:C via “Trig” clock source/ 3.5mm “sync in” on the TD-3. I have also set the clock out on the M:C to “thru” and got nothing. Which didn’t surprise me because I don’t have any midi coming in to the M:C at all. Although I thought this might work inspite, it didn’t unfortunately. I have checked multiple cables and such as well.
I bought the TD-3 from sweetwater and have read through the entire “getting started” link. I have read and read, and watched several tutorials on connection from the cycles and to the TD-3. I am starting to think that behringer didn’t design the midi in on the TD-3 with a din sync. I’m honestly at a loss.

Sounds like you covered all the bases. I wonder how easy it is to crack open and check for a loose connection. Still in the return window? Sorry for all the bad luck.

Still drinking my 1st cup of coffee, so bear with me. Midi clock sync doesn’t care about Midi channel. The TD-3’s sync in jack is intended to receive analog pulses from analog cv/gate jacks, not Midi ports. TD-3’s PPQN setting is intended only for its sync in jack. Din Sync isn’t Midi, even though the jacks look the same. Again, I’m not trying to be rude here.

Maybe disconnect everything from the TD-3 except power and the Midi cable, and try again. Or try Behringer’s software to set it up instead. Its Midi Din connector should accept and obey incoming start/stop messages and tempo.

Im with you, I have used the synthtool to try and config as well. I honestly think its a problem with the cycles, a setting I have wrong somewhere. I am going to test it with another synth this afternoon and see what happens. As for the TD-3, I just got it last week so I’m sure if there’s a problem I can return it. I am going to test it with another analog drum machine this afternoon as well hopefully I can figure this out today. Just wanted to say thanks for taking time to try and help, I really appreciate it!

Don’t forget you can toggle the polarity of the midi jacks on the cycles. If its the wrong polarity it won’t work.

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Let us know how it goes.
I pulled my M:C from its box and it looks like all of your settings are good-to-go. (Only need MIDI Sync CLK OUT = ON, OUT TO = MID or M+U; OUT POL = STD; OUT/THRU = OUT).

@Bunker @OVnet1 Reversing the polarity has been a solution for certain synths in past M:C threads. Definitely worth a try.

Turns out it was a defective Midi in port, I have a replacement on the way. Thanks everyone for trying to help, it is really appreciated!

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hello that work now ?
its a nightmare …