?? He says that?
It is visible on the analyser. They have different curves when played from the same octave range. Perc is mid, hats only top, etc.
Isn’t that just how drums works in general?
Well, one might want to make a kick out of the perc track or vice versa, and since the eq is locked and there are no filters that wont be entirely doable if that is the case.
Got ya.
@Ess regarding the dev and test process. At what stage have you defined and tested the controls? I guess in the Max or M4L stage?
Asking because I teach Max to industrial design students and this makes a great example.
I personally was just going to try and get a deeper understanding. If I get the Algos I’d be perfectly happy, as not disclosing the mapping actually is a invitation creativity. Imagine all the alternative macro possibilities that could be made
Some of the patterns are in the factory content - they are made by a lot of different people, not sure how to get a hold of specific ones.
I think those are made by @Dataline , maybe he can upload them?
There is no EQ, but some of them have a filter. The hihat for example is high-passed. Mostly it’s just FM though, you can pretty easily balance things timbrally - and each machine has a certain ‘default octave’ as well.
The Max4Live patch is really the same patch. The very first patches were more abstract but as soon as I started mapping the controls the same patch was used for the Max4Live versions. (And then just iterating on the m4l patches)
Nice! Feel free to DM me and ask about anything that might be helpful for you or your students. I’m not exactly a Max expert though, I just have a lot of experience in using it in practice.
Is a screenshot of the M4L device something you can share? I’m interested in this because the first step I have to take in the course is bypass skepticism about what a software for weird electronic music has to offer to product designers. I’m always on the look out for good examples of Max being used in prototyping and user testing.
Sure! This is how all of them looked:
Is there a new stat card I can unlock after gaining exponential xp?
plan on xp farming next week and leveling up/unlocking a bonus stat; DEF perhaps.
cringe aside, I have a question: not sure if this been asked yet, but is it possible to add more stats?
i know it’s still early and not in a rush for new features (except for env attack) but I guess it’s just something cool to look forward too.
and if the screen is limiting or dsp issues, maybe have them interchangeable?
I too would love for @ess to make a synthesizer which is also an RPG video game console.
Are you gonna reroll your kick as a paladin?
I went mage ♂ glass cannon…full kick, zero other stats, one-shot’n everything.
elven thief. 5
Beats sneak up and kill.
I think Metal Machine with reverb has greater farming potential. You get great minion waveclear because of the AoE.
Hehe, the stats are only a cute detail, it doesn’t haven any impact on functionality.
im so lame thinking increasing stats did some kind of special treatment lol.
perhaps I should’ve waited till my :cycles was delivered first.
(5% kick & snare buff-duration 14 secs, grants filter immunity, can not cntrl+all while effect is active)
A post was merged into an existing topic: Model:Cycles
Yeah, I wish there were trig destinations. You could have eg, conditional reverb, conditional LFO toggles.
I REALLY wish trig conditions had a sort of “choose”/“pick” option. Ie, you supply a list of options, and the trig condition will choose one of them at that step. Eg, choose C4, C5, or C6 at step 1.
And then the holy grail: you could have multiple trig conditions, with choosable destinations, per step.