first of all congratulations on the Model Cycles to you and to the whole team behind it. I was at the launch event in Berlin and I instantly fell in love with it.
Since you repeatedly mentioned the MC202 as an inspiration is this where the grey / blue colorway of the Model Cycles comes from?
If you have both Model:Samples and Cycles hooked up over midi - can you do a cntrl all over both boxes with any of the parameters? (appreciate they arent identical but for say pitch/swing?
So, to be clear. Is LFO sent via midi?
If you set LFO destination to lets say Pan (midi CC 10). Are those values to CC 10 not being sent via midi? Just internally?
I may just connect it to midi ox when I go back home and see what midi values are being sent…
and if M Out is enabled per track you can sweep the encoder manually, but no internal LFO routing is going to appear out - it’s just the manual encoder movement for e.g. LFO speed that will appear at the output
the velocity is part of the standard note on message, so it’s there - I wasn’t aware that manufacturers only sent the one data byte but maybe that’s possible, never seen it though
you can’t filter notes from encoders though as the bigger boxes do - it’s all out on none out, so tweaking encoders whilst external sequencing may pose problems if those manually-twisted CCs can’t be filtered at the other end
@Ess from what you know about the time and resources that are involved in making one of these boxes, is there any possibility of a super-scaled-down Model format version of the synthesis side of the Analog Rytm, or is implementing analog voice components too infeasible/impractical at that scale?