Model:Cycles trigger not working in grid mode

Just got a model cycles. First time using anything like this. I’ve spent about 4 hours trying to record the most basic pattern in grid mode.
I’ve created a new project; hit the record button; press trigger 1 and 5; the red light turns on for both. When I try to press trigger 9, nothing happens. If I press 8, sometimes 8 and 9 light up. If I come out of recording and run through all triggers sequentially, 8 and 9 both play different notes.
I’ve tried a factory rest and the problem persist across all tracks. I’ve tried a new project and it’s exactly the same.
I’ve just run through some of the presets and the 8 and 9 triggers never light up.
Does anyone have any ideas?


Did you buy it new or secondhand? A lot of the earlier ones had a problem with sticky buttons. Fwiw I bought mine secondhand, had the sticky button problem, contacted elektron support, and they sent me a replacement button sheet I put in myself with just a screwdriver. I think they got this sorted in the ones they made later on.

Heya. Thanks for the response @get.up.trinity . I bought it new. It definitely sounds like a hardware issue then? I’m not just missing something really obvious. I will speak to the shop, then give Elektron a shout if that fails. Thank you

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Bad luck there. I’d do an exchange

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Yeah it sounds like it… Although, have you updated the firmware? I wonder whether that might help.

That’s a good shout. I’ll give that go