Monomachine Vs Nord Modular/Lead/Wave

I did a few searches to see if this had been discussed before, so please point me towards those previous discussions if they exist and I’ll delete this one.

So, if you had the opportunity to buy a Monomachine SFX-6 (the keyboard version) or get one of the similarly priced Nord synthesisers second hand, which would you pick and why?

I’m well versed in Elektron gear and love it very much, but I wonder if there are advantages in adding something else to give new options, different workflows, etc. Also, I’m a huge fan of Autechre’s earlier melodic work and always wondered what I could do with a Nord. I know they worked with the Modular G2 and (I think) a Lead of one description or another at some point in their career. So, does anyone have a MnM and a Nord that can give me some of the pros and cons of each? Thanks!

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If you can get a G2 key do it. But the MnM is really something. I’m pretty sure you have an OT, so mannn… those are basically my favorite synths. Such a choice. I really don’t know if I would trade my MnM for a G2 rack. A key for sure. The MnM is so immediate alone.


If I were trying to get autechre style pads, I think I would rather have a Nord Lead…


i would recommend the Nord Modular G1 or Lead 2 for your autechre style leads and pads. On my latest release, there’s a moment where things get a little autechre/blade runner, and that’s just straight Nord Modular G1.

for what it’s worth, i love the elektron stuff, and am loving my new Digitakt, but two synths in my arsenal that i will never sell are the Nord Lead 2 and Nord Modular G1.


I have a nord rack - I love it

The pro is the amazing hands on control, you have a knob for each function, very clever layout and easy to program amazing IDM pads

I am using it with a MC an AR and a DN and it is perfect.

It also very easy to fit in a mix.

The only cons is the lack of FX,

Grab a second hand unit they are pretty cheap on eBay.


This is so true!!

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I have a Nord Lead 1 (expanded) and a Monomachine, and I’d suggest the Nord any day. MnM is great, but I’ve never been able to get close to the Nord sound with it, especially that mid-late 90s Autechre sound.


I’m lucky enough to have a MnM and a Nord Modular G1 and if I had to part with one the MnM would go. The NM is just so versatile and when paired with the OT the possibilities are endless.


There’s a good nord lead reaktor patch on native forum.

But the 2 main things for me

Mono machine more fun and hands on / configurable
Nord for nice fm pads / bass / noises though obviously needs a sequencer.

Nord modular , prepare to be sat in front of a computer. There are thousands of nice patches for it , some recreate nord 2 etc , Juno , drum kits etc . It’s possibly a bit easier on pc than Mac due to os compatibility.

Nords hold their price typically if you buy 2nd hand , and seem to be looked after. I had a rack 2x that look brand new and sold it about a year ago.
My rack4 looks new , nord micro modular is pristine. I think people look after their nord.

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You must surely be aware of the differences already so I am not sure what you are looking for from this topic. These instruments are miles apart in capabilities and surely the only thing that links them is your nostalgia for the music of your youth.

The Nord Leads are all capable, reliable multitimbral virtual-analogue polysynths. Each model has its own set of features and limitations (especially polyphony and storage capabilities), so beware of making assumptions about their capabilities before buying. If you understand subtractive synthesis and are happy with moderate modulation capabilities, there’s a lot of music in any Nord Lead.

I don’t have anything to say about the Nord Waves.

The Monomachine is the most eccentric of all Elektron’s instruments and the SFX-6’s form factor further compounds that. The semi-modular nature of the audio routing and the array of drop-in synth machines (VA, SID, wavetable, FM, and speech) mean that you can spend a long time to getting to grips with the possibilities and finding the sweet spots. Since the SFX-6 is a MkI you should gird yourself for the implications of any hardware faults.

The Nord Modulars (I have an expanded G2) are a world unto themselves. This could be your whole electronic music system, except for sampling, and you can indulge any sequencing or synthesis interests you may have in the patching system. But again this is an old and barely supported system and you should carefully about why you would choose a Nord Modular instead of something like Reaktor, pd, or a eurorack system.


There have been a whole slew of helpful thoughts in this thread thus far so I’ll try not to repeat anything too much. So, there was the AE live 08 stuff where they released files from their live set at that time which was patterns/patches for the MD, MNM, Nord Modular G2, and an MPC - possibly the 1000. Before that I seem to recall that for the 05 tour there was some Elektron stuff along with the Nord Lead 2x - the rack version. I think there was a Bitstream midi controller in there.

I recall that there was an interview where they talked about the various slots in the NL2x architecture so you they could essentially use it as a drum synth of sorts… But, I’d be beyond surprised if they weren’t using the NL2x in other ways too. So, I think there was probably some use of the NL2x before that too… but that’s a guess.

Of the stuff that is mentioned in the original post I think it’s most safe to discount the Nord Wave… a great synth but not one that was a mainstay for AE as far as I know (if they even had it). However, it’s definitley a synth worth considering as it does have some pretty unique features…

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They used the NL1 / 2 and modular on pretty much everything from Chiastic Slide to EP7, I’m sure. After that it gets a bit ambiguous, but I can definitely hear Nords on everything they released from 95-99.


first off if you can get a Modular G2 for MnM prices you should jump on it.

i’ve got both a MnM and a Modular G1, and have owned a Lead 2X in the past. they can all definitely get an AE type sound, but in general the nords will get you in a better ballpark. if you like the earlier albums you should definitely go with a mod/lead 1/2, theyre all based on a similar engine (the G2 is based on the Lead 3 engine i believe).

if you’re more into the Untilted era i would def go for the mono, but the SFX-6 doesn’t have DigiPro machines right? plus 32 steps… i don’t know if i could live with those limitations. they used a modular G2 on this record as well but i don’t find it to be as obvious in the mix, more present in live stuff.

i dreamed for a long time of owning a modular g1 and mono so that i could get AE sounds, but some of the most satisfying synth experiences i’ve ever had were with the lead 2x, you dont have to think about what it’s going to do before you do it. i regret selling mine.


You could also just get a Monomachine and use the Nord Modular G2 software Demo. Come to think of it someone was porting it with all the modules… or is my memory playing tricks?

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I’ll google tonight

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you are right! someone was porting modules to the CSound environment but i don’t believe it’s complete yet.

additionally someone hacked the demo program to run at full voice count (i think, more than 1 at least!), not sure if it was 100% complete but it was able to run some of the AE patches, i have a copy somewhere and wouldn’t you know it i opened it maybe twice and then forgot about it!

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As an owner of a MM, NL2 and NMG1, must say they each have their strengths/weaknesses, and work well together. I really enjoy the G1 for processing/fx and drones/noodles. NL2 for interface, drums, bread butter sounds and layering, MM for Lofi, glitch, processing and sequencing.

Currently my MM sequences and processes the nord lead. Lovely pair of Swedish machines which deserve each other. The NM is picky with interfaces and computers. The Wine wrapper was buggy on my macs so hooked up to an old Windows nt laptop alone atm, though I loaded hundreds of good patches onto it which keep giving.

Ultimately, can’t go wrong with any of them, though the MM is getting to be high priced for what it’s worth imho.

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I never even thought of trying to sound like AE, but they picked gear well. I have a Roland System 1m for a knob per function now, but my first Synth was NM G1, and it was its own thing, much like the MnM. I find the MnM funner right off the bat. The Nord Mod is like it’s own environment. At this point of my life the MnM fits in my setup better… And I find instant happy accidents every time I sit down with it. That’s where I’m at…


7.3 MB

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An axoloti does a good job as a cheap nord modular alternative , it also has modern eurorck modules ported to it.

This thread is basically full of opinions on all the gear you’ve asked about , it’s time to decide and buy :+1:
And if it doesn’t suit you’ll probably get your money back.

Expect to pay a lot for a g2 keys