Wondering what was your most analog sounding analog synthesiser. What I mean is “when you hear how electricity flows out of speakers”, when you can feel the sound with your body, most alive and pleasant experience…
In my case it is BugBrand modular system- the designer of it is truly a genius IMHO, the tone is so sweet and alive. Just a simple vco thru lpf sounds like music.
Vintage MS-20, there’s still something about this vintage synth which gives me shivers. Bass and presence… the filter!!! Unfortunately modern reissues lack this 1% or 10% of magic.
Vintage 303 and Re303 thru distortion on big PA.
What’s yours holy grain of analog synths? Do tell!
I still remember and miss Sh2 which I sold to get Dreadbox Medusa and some other stuff. Unfortunately Meduse has absolutely opposite character- modern, cold and rough… still like it for what it is, but…
That’s what I mean, there’s of course iVCS which has lovely options and sound, modern Erica remake and maybe a Behr clone on the way, but I doubt the will deliver same insane experience as og Synthi.
Really love to listen Synthi solo sets just because of that - the tone is so full and strong!
Of the synths I’ve played, my Dreadbox Lil Erebus feels the most analog to me. That may be partially placebo as I built it with my dad… though it does really feels alive.
Volca Keys also feels very analog to me.
I recorded this recently. I love how raw and emotional the keys can sound.
Arp 2600 is a strong contender for me. A friend of mine had one and I totally fell in love with it.
I’ll also echo the vintage MS20. There really is something special that the reissues I’ve played don’t quite capture. It might just be age degradation.
And although not a synth, playing spring reverbs, bbd’s, and tape delays in feedback loops in a mixer is beautiful in a similar way.