Motu UltraLite MK3 Help

Any users out there? I just got this thing and I was very excited I Grab from work a FireFace once in a while, I have a ZOOM r16. So I use those with Ableton and it is pretty straight forward. The Motu has not been easy at all. It seems convoluted. I can use it straight forward enough with their software but If I try to record with Live I have problems. hissing can’t get phones play through it seem to play when when the instruments are muted it all seems a bit weird.

Mine is due to arrive today, lets see what happens!!

It would be great to know if I am a retard!

I get the feeling this will be the" blind leading the blind" LOL.  Should be fun.

As a hybrid mk3 iwner, i could maybe advice you, but what is your problem exactly ?

I own one for some time now, i find the recording in live very straight forward but dont get along with the motu mixer software. Im on osx, so recording in ableton is basically plug&play.

Its a great audio interface, but as it offers a lot of features, it might take some time to get everything together.

What exactly is not working for you?

Just got it out the box and turned it on, it runs really hot after just a few minutes, is this normal? my NI complete audio6 never got anywhere near this hot.
Gonna see if it plays nice with Live9 and A4, wish me luck!

I got the device and plugged it in USB and power. I put my AR right and left Outs in 3 and 4 and my A4 into 5 and 6. No MIDI connection between the Motu and the Elektrons.

Boot OSX and Ableton 9
The little Motu control window. (think here is where I am going south) not sure where to set things.)

Set-up the audio device in Ableton:
Mind you other then the control window which I made a switch and changed back all is fresh out of the box.

Set Audio Track 1 to 3&4 and set Audio Track 2 5&6.

First strange thing is the two are not recording at the same volume, OK figure gain on those outs, I assume.

What is killing me is the Headphones. They only play when I am in playback. do i have to boot the other software?

(there was another thing which I think I figured out writing this. a Ableton NOOB thing maybe…) If the recording was not to my liking and I was in Linear view, and I record again it would play back the previous recording. This I assume is because I was not deleting the armed track in the vertical view and it was just playing it back from there, correct?

I also have weird throb sound, which I can figure out where is coming from.

Thanks for any help!

Yeah me too! I took it back after an hour of playing and when I got to the store it was as warm as I expected it to be after 10 hours. they said that was normal. Did you do the excited set the sample & bit rate to full? I did, and I am guessing that makes the system work extra hard.

Well, after a few hours I’m slowly getting there! A4 set to inputs 5&6, TB3 on 8,Eq and dynamics sound pretty good to me, not used the reverb much yet. I can’t seem to use Abletons send effects, more testing tomorrow.

Overall the sound is better, but the Cuemix software seems to make things so complicated (or I’m just an idiot).

Next I want to set up KP3 as a send effect somehow, and connect a second set of monitors, should keep me busy for a while!

There’s a pretty cool Template for touchOSC (ipad) so that you can use your ultralite connected to a computer as a mixer via WLAN. I loved it

Thanks for that, i’ll have a look.

Not sure about that particular interface, but I just picked up the new Thunderbolt 828x for my early 2013 Macbook pro. Running Mavericks fine.

Everything seems to work perfectly, except that you can’t use the built in DSP when running at 192.

No pops or clicks, and I haven’t noticed any particular issues with the unit getting hot… even at 192 and chained to a hard drive.

The DSP is worth it tho. there is an excellent Oscilloscope in the 828x. Great for sound design with the Analog keys.

The hardware mixer interface is kind of annoying, but works great once you wrap your head around it. I usually just use the software to rout my sends/busses/name channels/etc…

Is it possible to switch between 2 sets of monitors?
I have A4, TB3 and DAW outputs going to the main output pair with no problem, but I cant work out how to duplicate this buss for, say, analog outputs 1&2 (which I have my second set of monitors connected).
I’m a total noob at this mixer routing stuff, so please aim any replies as if talking to a nine year old!
P.S. I’m using Live9 on a PC


Is it possible to switch between 2 sets of monitors?


As far as i remember you do the routing in your DAW, not in cuemix.

I did this a while ago to have one output pair to the speakers and a cloned output pair to an external recorder. didn’t even open the cuemix software - all it took was dragging some virtual cables (I’m using reason) but I vaguely remember Live also having ctrl room and main out…

First strange thing is the two are not recording at the same volume, OK figure gain on those outs, I assume.

What is killing me is the Headphones. They only play when I am in playback. do i have to boot the other software?

i’ve been using the ultralite mk3 for a few years now - with a macbook running live 8 and reason 7 and never experienced any of the symptoms you have mentioned - all it took was to install the software and plug it in and it worked perfectly ever since.
mind you - i tried every configuration: USB, FW with external power, FW with power thru FW - always good results.

ad different volumes:
maybe you accidentaly messed with trimming? it’s possible to change channel settings from the front panel as well as from the cue mix app so maybe you accidentally changed volumes :slight_smile:

ad headphones:
you can select what goes out to the headphones - it can be either the mains or the ctrl room or a submix of your preference. maybe your issue is there?

Thanks for the tips, will try again tomorrow.

I just remembered - the kind people at helped me with a similar issue:

with this you should be able to mirror the main outs to another output pair. managing two pairs of monitors without blowing your ears is another matter though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks for that, I think I'm getting there now, will take a fresh look tomorrow. And thanks again for the  help, much appreciated.

one truly irritating thing about the motu interfaces is that the computer mains out does not appear as an input to the mixer…Therefore its not easy to re-use this signal for other mixes/outputs…

HOWEVER, if you cable up spdif out>spdif in and set your computer audio default to spdif out, then you can assign spdif in (computer audio) to multiple buses.

of course if you have an 828mkIII you can use toslink for this instead.
