MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 2)

Is it possible to get sequence changes on the mpc linked to pattern changes in Digi boxes song mode linked? And if so is it easy or complicated?

I’m the more I try and make hip hop beats on the digitakt the more I just get annoyed, but I want whatever I’m using to play nice with my Syntakt.

I get the q-link overlay appearing sometimes when I’m not touching them too. I think it’s a capacitive touch thing, used to happen occasionally on Maschine mk3 as well.

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good parts of an oldie



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Talk about being late to the party, but I’ve just realised how good the Export to Ableton functionality is from the MPC!!

I didn’t realise that it is basically an MPC Seq - Ableton Live Scene function.
What’s funny is that I spent a solid 12-15 hours in June manually converting and recreating a bunch of MPC projects I had into Ableton… I think it would have taken me an hour knowing what I do now.

This newly discovered workflow integration opens up a lot of new options for me, which is fantastic!


Wow great vid…real artist!!! I guess hes upgraded to JJOS…? Kinda got a thing for the 2500.But the Live 2 is making it hard for me to go back.And it weighs a ton )))

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worth having again :slight_smile:

Yeah, this is a pretty sweet feature. Now, if they’d port the same feature to Force so we can import our MPC projects into Force clip matrix, that would be perfect.


I thought they had that feature on the force + doesn’t the force go further in allowing you to export ableton sets to the force as well?

That’s been around forever hasn’t it?

lol just re-read it, I got it

Lol! Yeah, can’t do that on Force just yet. Would be a great way to unify MPC and Force, though.

Since having my epiphany about how good MPC/Ableton integration is, I’ve been spending more time on my Live 2 and, in particular, the Step Sequencer. I’m finding it really fluid and fast to work with… and I LOVE being able to play/hit in Velocity info via the pads.

I got up this morning and decided to give myself an ‘against the clock’ hour to make something happen from scratch, using the Step Seq and exporting to Ableton to finish it.

I made a 2 bar loop and got it working across 3 drum tracks (1 Akai factory techno kit, 1 of my own with some SH101 bass samples and some reverb’d hits, and 1 909 sample kit for the snare and claps).
I then doubled it 4 times to give me 32 bars, and went in to add probability to a bunch of hits.
Explode all 3 tracks and export to Ableton… voila.

Once in Ableton I did some really fast mute edits to bring things in and out (worked on the 8-bar change approach), and added one extra track from Arturia’s Augmented Voices (I wanted a polyrhythmic Steve Reich type thing against the track), and one glitchy percussion loop.

I really like working fast, and I’m digging the fact that I can use the MPC in this way, so tightly aligned to Ableton, and have the best of both worlds.

Anyway, in the interest of giving this post context, and for anyone who is interested, here’s the track as I exported it from Ableton after 57mins.


That is indeed lovely and I sort of read this with a bit of envy that I’m invested in Reason and not Ableton since there seems to be such elegant integration between the MPC and Ableton. It’s definitely more work to export to Reason, unless of course you just export the audio stems and midi notes and don’t bother recreating the drum tracks/samples/effects etc.


MPC OS 2.11.6 is online.
It adds MPC Mini D and Flavor Pro FX.
MP3 support works again.


mini D is a cool extra but christ how many different ways can they spin not just sampling from vinyl. Flavor pro max v5 mk2 X. for that REAL warmth this time

Flavor Pro X looks very similar to RC-20.

I find it interesting as well that their Minimoog plug-in costs far more than the official iOS Minimoog app.

Earlier in this thread I was about to buy a Live 2 but I’ve decided that it won’t really add to anything. I think down the road I’ll pick up an iPad rather than use my phone. I think I’ll get far more functionality (and portability) with what an iPad can offer. Especially seeing as MPC are going down this road of expensive plug-ins that only work with their platform. I know it’s all optional but no thanks. Same reason I got tired of Native Instruments.

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I don’t understand, this was a highly requested feature. I’m not pressing my melodies to vinyl in order to resample them… Not everyone samples.

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So we are having to pay for effects now?

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