MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 2)

what is the bug?

-open controller mode
-open a plugin program
your data wheel can now only select odd numbers. tracks, sequences etc. it affects the q links too and also the browser when scolling samples rendering controller mode useless unless you like reworking your muscle memory around a bug and pressing +/- a million times


Itā€™s strange that they release updates without posting any release notes. Thereā€™s a lot about their product development processes that Iā€™d change if I could: more transparency about how they prioritize bug fixes, more resources dedicated to quality assurance, better release notes, more of a dialog with their customers, etc.


They (Akai) have to progress a lot in term of product management.
I.e. the examples above plus a big lack of documentation. OPx4 is not documented at all for example.
The existence of the MPC bible itself is another example of this lack.
Even the smallest gears manufacturers are better than Akai.

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Isnā€™t this Akaiā€™s track record?


Thereā€™s not even this level of transparency with the beta team.

i dunno, they put dan out there pretty transparently a while back, I guess it wasnā€™t a pleasant experience

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The trouble with too much transparency from a dev perspective is that if you donā€™t deliver on promises and concepts things get pretty messy in no time flat with your user base, anyone whoā€™s ever owned maschine will relate to the mess that native instruments made for themselves in that regardā€¦

bottom lineā€¦.

MPCs are really great. They click with some, not with others. Such is life.



Yes the MPC 60,3000,4000,2000,2000XL were great.

the MPC 1000/2500/5000 original OS was very underwhelming (unfinished in my book).

JJ saved that failure.

The more AKAI adds functions to the new MPC, the buggier it gets. Itā€™s one thing to implement a buggy function, itā€™s another to add bugs to functions that had no bugs before.

Nothing to do with ā€œclickingā€.


Yeah man. I like the MPC I do, but this one for me is like introducing an update that makes every other pad not work. Itā€™s not some subtle hidden hiccup. Not everyone uses controller mode, I do though so itā€™s a bit of a piss take

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I would feel a lot more sympathetic to your guys argument if there was others on the market that are getting it right, but what the mpc is today I feel it is pretty much peerless in what it is capable of. I really hope they can get it right because I feel like what they are creating is really a game changer, or at least the beginnings of one. I donā€™t think this has ever really been done before to have such a all in one system that is actually approachable and can be understoodā€¦
Even stuff liked machine plus had glaring inequacies like midi control, no cv, vocal processing, you can keep goingā€¦ it is really incredible to me. Iā€™m older though and remember when those old mpcā€™s were new, and we would have never dreamed what this thing can doā€¦ or maybe it was a dream, but we never really thought possible. I guess Iā€™m just glass half full and really positive that it will all get ironed outā€¦ this is all still just shooting in the dark, even as big as Akai is now, this stuffā€™s complexity of programming is incredibly hard, and they have the balls to take it on so Iā€™m gonna just stay rooting for them. The controller bug is a big one and Iā€™m sure it is getting fixed asap.


I guess weā€™ll agree to disagree.

I loved my S1000

This feels like a very ā€˜Internetā€™ problem, plenty of posts to complain about missing or incomplete update notes for a free update lead to complaints about the company despite the huge amount of updates the platform has received for freeā€¦

Iā€™d say this is not really the case. The updates are mostly there for commercial purposes so the influencers and youtube marketeers can keep up the buzz around the MPC. That the updates are ā€œfreeā€ does not mean that the updates should have such obvious flaws as they have now.

And the worst thing about most of the major updates is that with each release something that worked perfectly fine before gets broken. And then you have to wish to all gods so Akai will notice the flaws and if they are willing to fix it.

If they would just focus on less new features and more on the stability and UI improvements of the current platform the MPC would be the nr. 1 groovebox of them all.


There is one thing that is 100% true, there are many users who think the current crop of MPC products is superior to oneā€™s of the past.

No matter what your personal opinion is, it doesnā€™t in any way change the fact that, for them, they are correct.

If you think the current models are crap, that is only your opinion. If you think the current machines are great, that is only your opinion.

One thing to consider is that the new machines sell very well. Many people buy them, use them, and keep them. They must have some value unless we are willing to call all the current users stupid or ignorant.

Anyone willing to crawl out on that branch?


Ok, Iā€˜m ready, what am I supposed to do? :man_technologist:t2:

Explain, in detail, how someone liking the current batch of MPC devices is wrong.

Conversely you could explain, completely, why someone who thinks the older machines are superior are 100% correct and their opinion on the matter must be adopted by every other user on earth.


this whole conversation reminds me of an Elvis Presley impersonator I once saw, lets see where this goes :grin:

btw Iā€™m typing this from my MPC lol

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Every Elvis impersonator Iā€™ve ever seen has been better than recordings of the real thing. Without fail.

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