I’ve recently heard a rumour from Elektron representatives that attended Movement Detroit this year that there’s an entirely new Elektron piece of hardware currently being developed. Apparently news will release later this year. The only piece of info I received from the representative was that the machine would be different from current machines and it wouldn’t interfere with current Elektron boxes.
This is quite exciting, and considering it’s coming from Elektron representatives, it seems to be a legit rumour.
I was also told that Elektron is in the process of expanding its team, with a new office opening up in Tokyo.
Hope this subject isn’t off limits for now, but I’m too excited to keep the excitement to myself!
Anyhow, what’s everyone’s expectations/estimations for the new box (if it’s even a box)?
I’m thinking it might be something digital… perhaps an advancement of the MnM/MD/OT series, while incorporating Overbridge and connecting with the analog hardware.
yea exactly i see its what the market wants. also its even more of a reason to get the other boxes and goes with the live performance machines that elektron is about. i can see it having some analog FX/filters/EQs in it too.
if you think about it is a brilliant plan for elektron.
It’s a co-operation device with Teenage Engineering, a mutant between op-1 and monomachine. Sold without chassis and you must pour some whisky on it to work.
I wonder if it would be something more digital. Like a modern MnM. Something wavetable even.
The mixer idea is cool, but Overbridge gives you all that with a DAW. It seems weird they would focus on a new DAW-type box after they spent all this energy on OB.
I also think ist a Kind of MX-1. Something to connect all Elektron gear. Or a perfect Hardware sequencer, with 4 Midi and 4 CV/Gate Outputs, microtiming for the whole track to get everything perfect in sync (like Multiclock or ACME-4), external transpose of all tracks. Maybe a mix of MX-1 and Sequencer.
A mixer would be nice with lots of midi in and out, audio input, eq, a general sequencer with microtiming would be nice too! With a usb audio interface to record all this with overbridge!
Yeah, something that acts as a Overbridge host sounds likely to me as well. A mixer/recorder thingamabob with effects and video synthesis would be my dream machine, but whatever it is, I bet it is something I will want to own.
Seeing as Elektron has no entry level instrument, the threshold for investing in just one box is quite steep in both of money and devotion, it wouldn’t surprise me if they released a family of neutrons, like three boxes that together allowed for seriously solid jamming. Like the original Volcas. They’d be a solid gateway to Elektron’s family and if done right - which they will be, given the developer - find a place of their own even in more complex rigs. So no derivates or digest versions of the Dark Trinity, but something else.
It’d have to appeal to their current crowd, but also attract a new one, which in the end I believe is what they’re after - to widen the audience and remain faithful to their current ones. That’s how you grow a herd.
Uh uh!! finally here the speculating game for new Elektron products! I always find this topic fun!
I nailed the OT and the A4,… did not expect the AR,…but now make sense.
Mmmmh… whats next.
It might actually be a machine ore “module” that does not generate sound itself:
it could be an advanced step sequencer (midi and CV)
or a mixer arranger
or an FX unit…
but probably a mix of all the above!!
and it should be (obviously) Elektron gear friendly (sort of a master machine) as well as a bridge to other gear and modular system. Probably not recording capability.
It would make a really good unit… but will it be OverBridge friendly? probably yes for midi and sync and backup programs.
Elektron always develop their machines with live performance ascetics and so, this master machine will be super useful as well as fun (and complicated!!).
Will see…