New Teenage Engineering products

Most likely just 3 new PO units, though some hold out hope for an OP-1 OS update or an OP-2.

Short audio teaser:

Arcade is obviously the SID-style one in the audio demo, but robot? Office??

Iā€™m guessing office is a rhythm machine that maybe does typewriter sounds. The numbers are all doubles of the original series. Maybe robot is a voice synth (responsible for the choir pad in the audio demo. Wasnā€™t there mention of a sampling PO at one point? Anyway, it wonā€™t be long until we know

Finally! The sounds of Solitaire! In my pocket!

Janice from accounting DGAF.

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watch Office be the one

Honestly think TE will make tonnes of these for years to come.

Would be awesome to snap them all up and leave them boxed and mint for 20 years then snap out in like 2037 and see how the world responds :slight_smile:

Cool. But I sure would love to see a new OS for the Op-1. Maybe.

as much as I dislike their kind of ā€˜oh, weā€™re industrial designers dontchaknow so weā€™re gonna charge you 700 euros for this long piece of metal with a lamp at the end of itā€™ mentalityā€¦ I think even Teenage Engineering wouldnā€™t release an OP-2 without putting the OP-1 on some kind of sale/reduced price for a while.

iā€™d like an OP-1 ā€¦ but find the price hard to stomach. But could, possibly, just about, if drunk enough, convince myself to buy one were it not for things like not being able to easily change the battery and other documented build issues.

consequently Iā€™ve been holding out for an OP-2 for years.

I bought one last week. I too thought they were overpriced but just decided to finally bite the bullet and get one, since Iā€™ve considered getting one since they were released.
Totally worth the price, if you ask me.



I bought one last week. I too thought they were overpriced but just decided to finally bite the bullet and get one, since Iā€™ve considered getting one since they were released.
Totally worth the price, if you ask me.[/quote]

ya, like I said, I could just about stretch to it ā€¦ and Iā€™d really get the most out of its portability ā€¦ but for the price I expect there to be no build issues and no battery issuesā€¦ certainly no battery issues that canā€™t be solved by a simple battery replacement/upgrade from time to time.

anyway have fun with it, Iā€™m suitably envious : ) ā€¦ though Iā€™d advise you to plug it in whenever possible to preserve the battery, though be warned that may cause it to whine. at least according to user reports Iā€™ve read.

Hmm, I thought Li-ion batteries benefit from letting them cycle fully and leaving them plugged in would decrease battery life?

wouldnā€™t recommend that. Thereā€™ll be too many out there for them to be collectable imo

wouldnā€™t recommend that. Thereā€™ll be too many out there for them to be collectable imo[/quote]
Beanie babies, Pokemon stuff, yeahā€¦ too many to be collectible is not a thing in the world of collectible stuff. Then itā€™s all about ā€œcomplete setsā€ and unopened packages, etcā€¦
Anyway, Iā€™m psyched to learn more. PO-12 is both useful and fun, although I was a little underwhelmed (or just not the target audience?) by -14 and -16. The teaser definitely has some weird, wonderful noises in it.

oh man, there goes another 300ā‚¬! (60ā‚¬ per PO + 40ā‚¬ for the case)

I love the POs even though I often wish there was a way to backup your sequences (and no, those slips of paper wonā€™t do because documenting those essential punch-in fx is a PITA since their not quantized)

perhaps you donā€™t ā€˜getā€™ what Iā€™m saying, my misgivings arenā€™t with feature set. theyā€™re with well documented build quality issues. if youā€™re ok with build quality ranging from so-so to significant, frequently documented problems for a premium price, then thatā€™s ok too ā€¦ but I just want to make sure weā€™re on the same page here.


Hmm, I thought Li-ion batteries benefit from letting them cycle fully and leaving them plugged in would decrease battery life?[/quote]

thatā€™s a myth apparently. i thought the same thing, until i did some research on the matter. last time i looked in to it (approx 2 - 3 months ago) I came away from it understanding that you should keep such items/batteries charged whenever it is at all possible, and in fact the more you let it decrease the ā€˜worseā€™ it is for the life-span of the battery.


i advise you to do some extensive reading on the issue.