Seems like the case (or wireless connection to the OP1), but it’s probably an actual video synth too - as in, it generates visuals.
Seems like the case (or wireless connection to the OP1), but it’s probably an actual video synth too - as in, it generates visuals. [/quote]
I had to google it when I first read it so yeah was expecting it to generate visuals or, at least, mess up an existing image in an interesting way. Very cool idea though.
This is about the only thing thats generated any GAS with me this year and I havent a clue how it will turn out!!!
arcade sounds soooo lovely!
Excellent!! After hearing the demo on the site this is an insta-buy for me… pocket operators
I’ve been caught. I just bought it.
Don’t know why but I just like the games sound.
It will help me at work during non worked time.
just ordered all three, just to keep my collection complete!
I really wish they’d introduce a way to backup patterns though.
From reading the manuals, it would seem like the robot one is the PO closest to a “real synth” so far. The arcade does sound gnarly, agreed! Might even make me sell my AY3…
Most (if not all, one manual page was still incomplete?) of the new POs seem to have swing and retrig, which is nice.
I also asked a dude on periscope to film us the NAMM booth, let’s hope he delivers
Here’s a short Video Clip of OP-Z that raises more questions than it answers.!
Fully in development stage. No final specs yet.
This thing is nuts. Like the OP-1 itself. Looking forward to it!
[quote=“” rikrak""]
Here’s a short Video Clip of OP-Z that raises more questions than it answers.!
Haha. What the f…
What in the the lord’s name is going on in that video? I’m laughing so hard at the parappa comments.
OP-Z looks cool. I’ll probably end up with one at some point. It doesn’t look like it has the sampling or recording features of the OP-1 (which doesn’t make me regret purchasing one last week) but the size and 16-part multitimbrality appeal to me, for sure.
Old post but any Clues here? Seems to fit the op-z lay out a bit
Sounds as though “step components” are p-locks
In fact, ignore that post. If you take a peek at Operator one forum you’ll get some speculation and info. $300 is the rumoured price and some vids there of it hooked up to a tv! Will also connect to an Op1 apparently.
I’m very happy for you.
Cool ideas in this. Hard to tell from the video synthesis demo part but hoping it does more fucked up vhs/analog video synth kinda stuff too, not just those rigid animation cuts and corny vj stuff.
that OPZ is looking like its gonna be killer! TE always brings fresh approaches to music gizmos
Cuckoo’s walkthrough of the three new POs
Arcade and Office are appealing to me.
Robot could be cool in the right hands, but I know I would quickly tire of not being able to change the scale.
Looks like the three new POs each have 128 pattern memories of 16 steps each, chainable.
are we assuming that a PO pattern holds as much data as an Aira pattern ?