Nord replacement switches : [part ID now found]

Just wondering if anyone has any experience or knowledge about procuring replacement switches/buttons for a Nord … as per lead / modular etc

I’m a bit googled out, but I’m sure there will be a forum somewhere where somebody has shared the part identity - ideally i’d like to find something from an electronics parts store

So if you’ve done this, repaired/cleaned one, or know of a way to procure a few (uk ideally) or can link up a discussion, be my guest …

Alternatively, anyone confident the same part is used in ‘product-x’ (looks like avalon bassline uses them, but what about a less boutique brand I can search against to find a brand or part number)

I’ve found a few gear-centric replacement parts stores with crazy prices per switch (same story on ebay) - I want to get a handful just in case, I have 3 important bits of gear with these. Will probably try to clean first.

Like so :thup:


edit: answer below >

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Write a mail to Nord/Clavia and ask if it is possible to buy from them?


I’m unsure if they’re identical but the Avalon bassline has very very similar buttons so they’re available if you dig around.

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I’m not sure of the best place for you to source them in small quantities, but the switch is model 6450 produced by Marquardt Switches. Here’s a link to it in their catalog:[mode]=overview&tx_produktkatalog2_pi1[modifier]=0&tx_produktkatalog2_pi1[value]=6450&tx_produktkatalog2_pi1[pointer]=0&cHash=c6a3d0b26720584c1d13c425677a8089




that helps a lot


Glad to be of help :slight_smile:

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Thanks - now also found them at a workable price (no stock, but have the option to buy direct as a backup)

My hunch is a clean may help, this gives me concrete options if not - easy with a spec !

happy camper :thup:

Here’s a link if you’re in the U.S.A. like myself.

…Any idea about those glowy LED knobs like on the Nord Lead 3?

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Cool, in stock and a bit cheaper, but possibly too far away [uk] or pricey once delivered - good contingency
thanks :thup:

I’d imagine bespoke, but maybe someone knows different

I recently got Lead 3 that had some issues with several encoders and couple of buttons.

The encoders were physically damaged and I thought I’d have to replace them, but (thankfully) I was able to rejuvenate them with some compressed air, deoxit and careful applications of a teeny little bit of epoxy glue. The unresponsive buttons just needed a good cleaning and a little deoxit.

I spent a fair amount of time disassembling and cleaning my NL3 and googling around, so here is what I learnt:

  1. The LEDs are on the main PCB, not on some kind of super custom mega encoder = encoders can be replaced relatively easily if compatible part is found = yay.

  2. The part used on the NL3 is a Bourns encoder:

03158-09701 Rev A C5

But unfortunately its no longer available anywhere (due to RoHS issues, which is apparently why the NL3 was discontinued).

  1. Suitable replacements are apparently Bourns ECW1D-C24-CC0024L, ECW0J-C24-EE0024L or ECW0J-C24-BE0036. All of which are readily available and cheap. However the first two are 24 PPR and the ECW0J-C24-BE0036 is 36 PPR. I don’t know which is correct as I was unable to find a datasheet for the original part.

I found anecdotal evidence of people claiming to have used any of those three parts, but I did not find anyone saying “Yes encoder X is 100% compatible”. However having poked around inside the NL3, I don’t think it would be so hard to remove an encoder and test several potential replacements.


Thanks for all that detailed info!


@avantronica did you end up replacing these, or did you just clean them? I’m on a switch replacing frenzy at the moment (just replaced 64 tact switches on a friend’s JV90 yesterday!) and am considering replacing the double triggering buttons on my G1.

It’s because I haven’t given up hope that cleaning may do the job that I haven’t sourced replacements. I haven’t sourced the cleaner yet which I know I need for other pots and encoders on different gear. Deoxit is crazy expensive where I live and the alternative cleaners pose a slight risk. I need to bite the bullet and sort all these niggles. A sorting frenzy would be just the ticket !

I got a wiggle on after this bump. All switches working super nicely after a clean with Electrolube EML200F contact cleaner and lubricant. There were 4 or five hesitant switches and it was clearly needing just a clean. These switches don’t separate so you have to spray onto them so some can get inside. Needed disassembly but not too tricky. The Nord is well put together and laid out- super impressed by its guts and how these components have lasted ( this is for a NR2 ) the pots are silky smooth and firm.

Sorted a guitar amp I have had since 80s out with this lubricant too - well worth the modest cost.


Great! I’ll have to give it a try. And yeah, I was very impressed by how easy my 1st gen Nord Lead was to open and service. The top panel swings open like a car bonnet!

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I was half expecting origami games, but it was a pure joy, just like you say. Having opened up a few things lately I was well impressed at how no nonsense this was. The board is so tidy and it still sounds good for an ancient VA. I love my G1 and micro. A double triggering switch sounds more serious but it won’t harm to try a lube.