Octatrack doesnt recieve MIDI notes :((

I’m trying to record a MIDI-sequence from Ableton to my OT and been looking on several tutorials + reading the manual.
I’m doing whatever they’re doing in the tutorials, but still no notes.

My audio interfacial sends notes to channel 9, and I’ve tried with another synth that has no problems receiving it, so i know that I got Ableton correctly set up. Here’s my OT MIDI settings also :slight_smile:

Can you trig the track you’re trying to control from chromatic trigs etc?

Have you seen this ?

Also, if your track is mute, you cannot trigger it via MIDI, it’s not like the other boxes where the mute only mutes sequencer trigs.

Can trig T2 from chromatic but not T1. Both of these tracks keeps on flashing.

Yes, watched that one + two others and followed the steps.

At one point I could trig it from another keyboard, but no longer.

Does the track trig flash with incoming MIDI notes? If so it suggests there is something up with your track config rather than your MIDI.

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Also remember you do not have full range, you have notes 72-96 for chromatic playing. C4-C6


Ah, thank you so much! All the notes I had was out of range.


Back of the manual is helpful :wink:


Ah, I know… but I’m super new to melodies and midi notes so it’s all just greece to me :see_no_evil:
Really appreciate that you’re taking time to help!



My Midi Note Mapping Summary : :wink:

C1 - G#1 (24-32) | Track Trigs | Trigger PLAYS FREE audio tracks
A1 (33) | Seq stop | A#1 (34) | Seq Start/Stop | B1 (35) | Seq Start/Restart
C2 - G#2 (36-44) | Sample Trigs | Trigger Samples assigned to tracks (TRK DEFAULT)
C3 - G#3 (48-56) | MIDI Track Trigs | trigger PLAYS FREE midi tracks
C4 - (60-71) | Track recorders/Pickup machine (*)
C5 - B5 (72-83) | Trigger track default sample chromatically, octave - 1
C6 - B6 (84-95) | Trigger track default sample chromatically, octave 0
C7 (96) | Trigger track default sample chromatically, octave + 1

C4 (60) | Combo rec
C#4 (61) | INAB rec
D4 (62) | INCD rec
D#4 (63) | SRC3 rec
E4 (64) | Pickup Play/Stop
F4 (65) | Multiply
F#4 (66) | Mute active track
G4 (67) | Cue active track
G#4 (68) | Active track up
A4 (69) | Active track down
A#4 (70) | Toggle Seq sync
B4 (71) | Toggle Seq sync+start


I’m struggling with this as well now, and just can’t wrap my head around what I’m supposed to do. I had an Octatrack a few years ago, and had no problem setting this up then, so not sure what is up.

Anyways, I’ve got the exact same settings as the OP in the first post. I have an external instrument device setup in Ableton Live. I want to play the OT chromatically, per track (tracks 1-8). Alternatively, just use a drumrack and trigger the tracks separately. But no matter what I do, the Octa does not emit a single sound when I send it MIDI.

So - If I set the MIDI out channel from Live to be channel 1, and set the OT to chromatic mode, and send it a note from the range its supposed to support, I should hear the sample loaded into track one play, right (track one is set to receive MIDI on channel 1)? It doesn’t.

Also, I’m confused by @sezare56’s note mapping chart. Is this for the omni-channel? So if I send a C1 to the omni-channel, track one should fire, right? It doesn’t.

The OT is receiving MIDI, as it follows transport commands from Live, it also syncs to Live. It’s just not receiving MIDI notes. Do I have to activate that somewhere? I have my MIDI settings setup exactly as OP (only omni channel as channel 11).

Not sure what the hell I’m doing wrong here. :frowning:

Should work with auto channel and audio tracks default 1-8 channels.

Check those mappings, clearer, thanks to @darenager.
Auto channel midi mapping - #16 by sezare56
It is possible to disable note receiving.
Start with a new project.

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Thanks, man. :slight_smile:

I figured it out, and I’m a bit embarrassed to tell you what the problem was. I had set the MIDI port to port 2 (I was sure I had connected the MIDI cable to port 2), but alas I had connected it to port 1. Haha. Fucking hell. Been sitting here scratching my head almost 2 hours. :stuck_out_tongue: :smile: :blush:


Think twice before plugging…

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Forgot to paste that link :

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