Octatrack error on Part load

Hello, so I have patterns on different banks with a Thru machine on one of the tracks. When I change pattern, whether I let the previous pattern finish or I stop/play to the new pattern, the “In AB” level is not correct, although it is displayed properly. The actual level is louder than the expected one.
I saved the bank, saved the Part, copied the Part to a new Part, saved the project to new one… I thought that some file might be corrupt but nothing changes. That part is not loading properly, and the displayed values don’t match the actual values.
I must either touch the related encoder or reload the part or even save the part, to recover a normal state.
How is that possible ??
First time I get this problem after a few years of regular use on two different OTs.
Thanks for your attention.

haha, I will reply to myself because I suddenly remembered that parameter values are actually loaded when “triggered”, meaning a TRIG is on somewhere on the track. I had forgotten to fill the THRU machine track with TRIGs, so the external sound is actually sent through for sure instead of relying on previous states. The level was kept from another pattern, which was not corresponding to the level I wanted for that pattern.
Maybe this topic will help somebody.


Was about to respond with similar advice. :joy: also if you switch parts on a pattern and the thru machine is no longer present. It will continue to pass audio until a new trig is encountered on the same track.

This applies across the Elektron ecosystem. If you have a drone on a Digitone track you’ll continue to play until a new trig hits on that tack with the new kit. Can be used to your advantage when building transition patterns

yes, I had a similar problem on Digitakt for master effects, that refused to update until a Trig was sent, although they displayed the desired value.