My first Post here. I´m new with the OCTATRACK, got the MK2 since one week.
But i hope its not defect, because the LEDs from the C/D Input are blinking and flickering (like there was an input signal reaching it) without any input-cables are in the mashine. Also they start to react flickering if i put in Headphones or the cables in the A/B Inputs. Has my OCTARACK a damage like a defective contact inside so i must return it? Or is it a known issue i can ignore?
I hope so, because i like this machine since the first touch.
Thank you very much! And sorry for my shitty english;-)
What kind of blinking?
If it’s full bright on/off then you’ve cued the inputs (routed inputs to cue outputs). If so press cue+rec2 to uncue…
If it is actual audio metering, check the c/d gain setting in the mixer and set to 0 if it is not…
If it’s none of this, let us know…
You can also just make a new fresh project, and if it doesn’t do it there you know it’s some settings on the other one…
Have had issues with the input LEDs too. Turning on the machine with cables in but no input signals = fading down from red through green to nothing for a few seconds. When sampling, one or both can get jammed on red, which needs a power cycle to fix.
Hoping an OS update will fix this stuff, as it seems to have for Mk1 owners facing similar issues (way) back in the day.
I have created a new project. And I have also checked the mixer and the c/d DIR was set only on 1, i have set to 0 and its gone! This tiny little number ;-). Everything’s now OK!
Only if i put in the headphones, the C-Input-Chanel-LED is lighting green for a little while, but i think thats no sign for something bad?
Well, the headphone thing still seems pretty weird. Plugging in headphones should not cause any meter to do anything…
Also, I was referring to the c/d GAIN setting, not DIR…
With gain at 0 OTmk1 meters show nothing even with DIR set to 127…
DIR(direct) just lets the signal through, GAIN amplifies it… That’s why I thought maybe you had gain up high and were amplifying background noise…
You may still have some kind of issue… If you do have cables attached to the inputs, make absolutely sure their not trickling in low level noise… If you are absolutely sure that just plugging in phones sets off the meters, I’d open a support ticket with Elektron…
Thanks for the feedback. I think I might have experienced something like this… Does a “bug reports” thread for the OT mk II already exist? I think I have also experienced other anomalies, but cannot 100% rule out user error. Like, this morning I couldn’t get LFO 1 to modulate anything on a THRU track… Assigning the same modulations to LFO 2 worked ok.
I checked it again, there is absolutely nothing, its only by plugging in the phones and the C-LED is lightening green. i checked also plugging in a cable into the CUE OUTS and there is it again, only the Input C-LED is lightning green?!
Where i can open a support ticket with elektron?
I hope they can help without i must return the OCTA
Go to, click on the little person image on the top right, and that will take you to where you can set up an account and file a support ticket…
You may want to check with the dir levels in the mixer both at 127 and gains at 0, if you can actually hear anything when the inputs flash as you say…
That way you can find out if it’s actually audible, or just an anomaly with the meters…
Maybe it’s not a real issue or if it is maybe it’s firmware fixable…
but only for no misunderstanding before there was also no sound or noise to hear, it was only the blinking/flashing green C-LED without a noise by putting in the headphones or a cable.
would You think only this blinking C-LED without a sound is no big issue?
Not as big as if you heard one!
If I were you I’d report it to Elektron and they’ll let you know if it’s an issue or just a firmware glitch or something that can be updated…
I just revived my MK2 a few hours ago and right out the box I had this problem. With or without the headphone jack plugged in. I accidentally tapped the case with the headphone lead and found that the C-D led would react eventually cycling off with enough taps. And so far now even after a power cycle the C-D led stays off.
yesterday at some stage the leds of the cd input were showing constant red, no blinking.
switched unit off and on again, still there.
switched on and off again after five minutes, issue did not show again.
it wasn’t cued and it was not indicating a hot incoming signal.
This is a bug that seems to be happening with all Octatracks, we are looking into this issue. Thanks for letting us know - no need to return the machine though.