Super strange but it happened all of a sudden. The unit send same notes on SE-02 even with a muted midi track in different patterns/parts and projects. There is no trigs on the track everything is muted but it still sending some music actually)) Is there any solutions for this? Is it a bug or i missed something?
You’re sure it’s not sending transport and starting a sequence programmed on the SE-02?
Yep you’re right it is strange but MIDI sync in SE-02 works only with Program changes transport
Did you try with a new project?
Does it happen after double stop?
Beware of lfos, arp with note LEN set to INF, arp NLEN set to INF…
But i still couldn’t get one thing the notes wasn’t from one of the sequences of SE-02
Basically it was some other program changes from octatrack converted into notes by SE-02. I’ll dig into this and find out why it was so musically sounding)
Check to make sure internal tracks are not set to same channel as SE-02?
Audio tracks? It is not documented, but they unfortunately don’t send midi notes…except with Chromatic trigs…
It was just wrong midi settings on SE-02 but somehow OT was browsing 4 different sequences on it. And i was in manual mode and didn’t noticed it’s playing)
Ah, never knew that, the manual says that “if audio track and midi track share the same channel the midi track will block the audio track from sending out data” so I thought perhaps when @Curly.Mike was muting the midi track the audio track was sending note data.
But yes I just tested it and you are (of course) correct!
Me neither, until @matB noticed that and asked! I checked after, he was correct.
It is not obvious. Sending data is notes sent with trigs in chromatic mode, CCs sent by knobs movements, but nothing sequenced, lfoed. I wish I could use sequenced notes to trigger videos…
We might be reaching the stage of electro cephalopod sentience trancemutation where OTs start to have ideas and begin sequencing other gear by themselves. We should keep our ears open for more curious behaviors of OT’s around the globe, this could get real interesting…
There have always been ghosts in the machine. Random segments of code, that have grouped together to form unexpected protocols.