It did solve that I forgot to. change the rs channel. Thank you.
thank you…i noticed the octa was recording the changes i was making on the RS…( volume )
Hi ammanuel. (are you the same NY dude from Korg forums?)
Do you need to have sequencers from your RS controlling your OT? Why not use the OT sequencer for what it does, keep it simple, then clock your RS from your OT, then plug your RS into Waldorf?
Like reverse your midi connection between OT and RS, then use the OT transport. That way you ignore all note msgs.
Or look for a midi filter on your RS.
Another thing that struck me is are you using C&D inputs? If not then plug your RS into AB and the Waldorf into CD. Much easier to sample later.
Thank you. I just responded to your email.
Hi El,
Yes, it is the same Ammanuel ( used to be in SF) from Korg forum. Thank you for reaching out to help
Those are great suggestions and an opportunity for learning - the OT are the center, The Waldorf and RS were in the A and B input respectively. I will exercise your suggestion over the weekend.
Quality fellow you are my friend. Such a great community. I appreciate your help and everyone on the forum. I will update you about my progress.
Hi @ammanuel. How’s it going?
You been sampling much with your machine? Using midi?
How have you been incorporating it into your music?
How are you?
Im doing good…weathering the season mostly…
I have been mostly doing workflow learning and building sounds … just filling my way around Octa. I have not reachihed the midi aspect of it. Im still using RS 7000 as the nerve center, also for its simplicity of seeing it up…but I will thread to Octa’s midi.
I have been using Volca samples into the setup to get used to arranging samples. I hope to upload some jams soon.
Thank you for keeping in touch. Much appreciate the gesture and interested.
I hope you are having fun and exploring the sonic terrain of the mind and environment.
Yes I’m good!
Totally getting into this OT on the next stage of learning thanks to this forum.
I was treating it just like any (albeit very powerful) groove box for the first projects worth of banks /months with the machine. Enjoying the lfo and doing some taintative sampling -just working out how to do it. I had read it could do record triggs and record quantize but have to admit the manual was confusing here and stuff like QREC wasn’t having meaning to me.
I left it alone for some time after that, using other gear, then came back to it and attempted some synced, quantized recordings of synth jams (just a Tb3) and here the penny dropped!
Now I got a feel about what the OTs purpose actually was and rereading the intro in the manual about the unexpected misuse of the machine drum UW that lad Elektron to design this - so all the extra steps and modular approach to sampling made sense. It clicked for me -that’s why I was asking how you have been getting on taking samples.
There was a great thread here that resurfaced about live looping and sampling using flex to play live samples. Did you read that? I’ll try and link it in a bit. Learning eccelerator
Such a great forum and nice community I was so made up to virtually meet these guys and read their generous help. It was inspiring I have to say, so it was nice to see you here on a similar journey
I’ll try to link that thread in a bit.
This is the thread I mentioned, there’s also a related thread linked in it called “many incarnations of OT” that is worth reading.
I’ve just got onto tips an tricks thread that will take a few days of inspiration now.
Your probably wise staying with your yamaha seq for midi for now and doing one at a time, coz that was the focus of the initial thread "many incarnations… ".
Thank you, El.
definitely reading material for the weekend…
Thanks for sharing that experience…am a bit 2dimentional in my approach…mostly trying the workflow folders and relations to projects(?)
the manual, yes. must read the manual …must.
your not 2d,your a worker, like us all! I’ve heard your stuff.
Keep on an keep us posted
I think some of the guys here get so deep,but don’t let that distract you from your learning path.
The intro video to "many incarnations… " thread talks about this and keeping it simple - one function or job at a time for OT coz there’s ust soo many possibilities. So yes, keeping the yamaha for midi right now seems a good idea
will definitely update, mate…bound to happen. a great helpful forum. much appreciated.
my mantra