What do you mean by that? It’s not clear from your description what your problem is, but just as a blind guess (since you are using thru machines):
Have you checked in the mixer menu that DIR for AB is 0?
When you want help you’ll need to be much more clear about what you want to achieve. Sorry to say it so directly, but that reads like random nonsense to me.
am not offended by your directness… appreciate your candor
since i am new to the octatrack and the lingo associated please forgive my layman attempt to describe my situation.
I am using
Yamaha rs 7000 as a midi controller and to play keys and sequence Waldorf rocket and its own sound ; the outputs are going into Audio in of the Octa:
Waldorf to A—>Track 1
RS 7000 - B---->Track2
Octotrack is Recieving clock
Problem A
when the sequencing starts ( it is a loop until i stop it) whenever key 11 is triggered it moves the selected track in this case Track 1 to track 2 on the next loop track 3 next loop beginning Track 3…and stops at track 8. Because of that I can’t change the parameters because the red light moves after a loop.
this happens manual as well after stopping the sequence, pressing the the key (11) selects the next track
Problem B
Key 12 starts the octa sequencer…i don’t what that event to be triggered by that key. I start it from the RS which is the master transport play for all devices.
I hope this is more descriptive and understandable. I appreciate.
Sounds like maybe you are sending midi notes to the Octatrack that are switching the channels, etc–these are in the manual.
Is it possible you have a midi loop going on?
The Octatrack has a really uncommon MIDI implementation where MIDI note values trigger different functions on the machine (instead of just playing different pitches).
What MIDI note triggers what can be best seen in latest manual on page 136.
I have referred to the latest manual here, because previous versions were not really that clear. Now it’s a nice table showing also the note values itself.
Thank you for your help. I will look at the values and disable them on the RS.
It is a rather humbling machine It lives up to its infamy so far. On the positive side, I am learning. And tackling this issue will be a practical exercise.
Sounds like the notes being sent from your RS-7000 are on the same channel as the Octatrack auto channel, so best thing to do is go into midi settings on OT and turn auto channel off - did it solve your problem?