I own an Octatrack MKI and I’m looking for the best way to manage backing tracks and sequences that are several minutes long, each with a specific tempo. Each track has its own BPM, so the sequence for the next track has a different tempo. Additionally, some transitions between tracks might be linked withpad parts played in real-time.
My goal is to minimize the switch time between tracks while keeping the performance smooth. Any advice on the best way to handle this setup?
I just remember the bpms and change them manually and sometimes drown out the transition with delayfeedback. I think you can set individual bpm in the arranger also.
You can set each pattern to its own BPM (open tempo menu and press Function+yes to switch between pattern specific tempo and global tempo - has its downsides, because changing patterns to a pattern that still has global tempo active will drop BPM to 120, but if you prepare well each pattern will already have the correct BPM), you can use the Arranger or good old notebook and write it down. The latter will give you most flexibility, because you could use high pass filters + delay or reverb for transitions and then manually change the tempo which can be a nice way to add some energy to your set.