Octatrack Tips & Tricks (OT Tips)

I could get a cheap Koto only…
DIgitone 2 wins hands down for piano. Not enough feedback with OT.


Very nice, thanks for posting. Could you describe your settings?

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White noise sample, Amp Hold min.

Scene A : Comb with feedback -63, release 0
Scene b : Comb with feeback +63, release 48

A different pitch for track 1-8
I used Plays Free tracks, one shot, with a different pitch plocked on first trig…
16 different pitches.


not so much a trick, more of a workaround for the known problem when copying banks into new projects. works only with a second device (digiseries are perfect for this) instead of setting sampleslot-locks on the octatrack sequencer i started triggering sampleslots via slots note mapping (manual page 138). this way i always have the correct trigs via my digitone midi track.

by setting the midi mode mapping to map/track (ot manual page 70/71) you could specify exclusively one or more audiotracks for trigger sampleslots via midi. this makes transferring ot banks and patterns a bit easier as you only have to figure out linking the correct samples to sampleslots after transferring your banks. all samplelocks are done via a digitone/syntakt/digitakt. digi banks and patterns can easily exported as sysex files to maintain redundancy between your digi-device and octatrack.

Not sure to understand the advantage of it since you still have to put the samples in the right slots. That’s the most time consuming, copying parts is a hassle but doesn’t take as much time.

I was today years old when I learned that slots trig mode fires the slot off according to the playback settings of the selected track. so you can play the same sample, instantly 8 different fucking ways. I mean, you can play 16 samples, 8 different ways. and it’s 8 voice poly, ie the same sample, can be firing 8 different ways at once. :speaking_head: :person_fencing:


Wait, what?!

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bruh. just load up samples in slots mode, then whatever track you have selected, the slot trigger plays the sample via those playback settings. all the tracks can have different settings… depending on what track is selected is how the slots play. i feel like i just opened a pyramid :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


IIRC you can do the same with record buffers, so you can have multiple tracks playing and effecting the same record buffer in different ways, i.e. a loop that you’ve just recorded…

The Octatrack is still one of the greatest samplers of all time.


16 ways. :wink:
You can plock parameters on each track use Plays Free Track with trigs 1-8, and track settings with trigs 9-16. Play Quantize possible.

I used that principle recently. 16 different pitches for comb filter.




Ok I’m not sure what’s happening here, but I’m very interested, I’m gonna have to dig into this after work tonight

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Set 1 track with noise sample, set envelope, add comb filter.
Copy it to other tracks.
Set 1 trig on first step, choose a Comb tune note per track.
Set tracks to Plays Free (Trigs 1-8 to play them)
Set other note per track (Trigs 9-16 to play them)