Many thanks
Actually, the latest .pdf guide “OP-XY guide_v1.0.13” is now “searchable” with Preview under macOS.
The UC4 works really well with the XY. I have the faders set to volume, the knobs to pan, the knob switches to 100% external send, the x-fader to tape speed, and the green buttons to mutes.
Considering a second “page” of faders and knobs for FX sends.
For me… I installed Ubuntu in a Virtual Box and used that to transfer. Had no issues.
But because I know how flakey this is… I’m not tempted to do more music on it until they fix it because If I realize I need to rename folders & shit like that… all the projects will be broken.
Digitakt is very smart in handling this. Each file has a unique ID or something. No matter where you move it, or rename it… it just works.
can someone confirm how the multi sampler works? The manual says it has 24 zones and pitches down from the recorded sample. So if i record 24 notes from an external piano with, e.g. 3 semitones distance, i should have 6 octaves each octave containing 4 notes of my piano while the in betweens being pitched down from the upper sample. Is this correct?
Cool. This is what I was looking for. Thanks .
This is my understanding too, yes. Need to watch the max size though, I think there’s a limit. I saw further up in the thread @Colorsinspace1 mentioned it.
Yep, latest version is searchable on Android too for me. Newer one also has less missing info.
Quick demo with no sounds playing. It’s a flexible controller but you have to get into programming to dive deeper into it.
Forgot to show the pots controlling panning.
I connected a CME H4MIDI WC to the PBF4. The H4 has an optional bluetooth WIDI chip. That way I was able to control the XY with the PBF4 through bluetooth.
Off topic: Can you upload short video files here? Can’t get it to work. Had to put it on You Tube.
What a great combo! Ordering straight away.
Sample transfers continue to be a pain. I bought the new Lost Levels Tanzbär sample pack today, and had to rename folders and flatten the folder structure to get it onto the XY.
At the same time, I dropped the folder onto the Move via move.local in the browser, and it just worked. But the time I was actually transferring to the XY, the Move’s display had gone to sleep.
That sucks. I’d imagine they will continue to be a pain until there’s an firmware update to fix it. Ya’ll are patient souls and/or gluttons for punishment to keep trying though!
i wanna hear this too. all the demos i see on youtube are a bit on the twee side. i want to hear this thing getting impolite.
Mapping the element gyro to something on every track and twisting your body up as you dance around the room is extremely fun. Highly recommended
About the pitchbend issue: it seems that it’s the button’s rubber being too tight over the button itself and pressing on it even when not in use. My OP-XY, was not calibrating, and got stuck on “release”. I (very gently) put a very small amount of outworlds force with my nail on the rubber’s right edge, and the pitch-bend was suddenly better centered, and calibrated well. Problem gone. Seems like a hardware issue with the tolerances on that pitchbend “button”, but they should be able to fix it with a slightly better calibration routine, and an “off” setting.
It can be anything with the multisampler
feed the manual to ChatGPT. I do it with all my gear manuals.
This. Plus resampling through external fx (fuzz, distortion etc.)