OP-XY/Z User Thread

here’s something a bit on the noisy side I’ve been messing around with tonight.


I don’t doubt that for a second and I don’t doubt that I could get super dirty with this thing. With that said, everything I’ve heard thus far is just so fucking nice. I want to hear more not nice.

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today was the first time i wanted to snap it over my knee. several crashes while using it. tried backing it up to be safe. crashes every.single.time. leaving it alone for the night.

i did manage to save some kits for you all: 606, 707, 808, TR33/66/CR8000, minipops, sideman, sp1200, etc.



Now we’re talking…

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Can someone point me to the right way to Step Component “Trigger” a one bar first step, skips and then triggers again?

What I’m getting now with the following step is it keeps triggering. And if I select Trigger (skip every 2nd trig) it will only trigger on the second loop., not on the first step, skip, and then triggers again.

The command (skip every trig) seems redundant if you have a one bar loop.

I’m still hoping they’ll add a “Stop Song” command in the Arranger instead of looping it automatically.

More please! :metal::robot::metal:

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Nice! I somehow missed your post when complaining about not enough dirt.


After selecting the trigger skip step component, when you select the number key that sets how often to skip, repeatedly press the number key to cycle through different play/skip patterns. The number key LEDs will light up solid/blinking to indicate what happens on that numbered loop. Solid = skipped, blinking = plays.


Excellent! Are you willing to share how you achieved these sounds?


Reminds me of Cevin Key’s Download stuff. Really great.


Weird to read about all these crashes. I’ve been a heavy Z user for nearly 5 years and I think it only crashed twice ever.

I hope they fix that kind of bug for you all now, and me in the future!

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Thanks for responding, but it’s not doing what I was describing. Which Step Component do I select to do this for 1 bar loop?

  • Loop 1 Step 1 : trig
  • Loop 2 Step 1 : silent
  • Loop 3 Step 1 : trig
  • Loop 4 Step 1 : silent

When I select the Step Component “trig”, it trigs every loop and if I select “trig” (play every 2nd trig), it does this:

  • Loop 1 Step 1 : silent
  • Loop 2 Step 1 : trig
  • Loop 3 Step 1 : silent
  • Loop 4 Step 1 : trig

And what’s “play every trig” for? Isn’t that command redundant? Every step I trig, will play anyway.

  • Loop 1 Step 1 : trig
  • Loop 2 Step 1 : trig
  • Loop 3 Step 1 : trig
  • Loop 4 Step 1 : trig

I’m sorry if it’s confusing, but what I’m describing sounds like exactly what you are looking for. After selecting the skip trigger step component, press the number 2 key until the LED patter is 1=blinking, 2=solid.


If it is the same workflow as the Z then you can press the number button to set the interval and press it again (and again…) to change which bar/loop the interval hits on, eg xoxo or oxox or xxxo or ooox.

@othernetit sounds like you’re one button press away from getting what you went. Is that correct @rantonerik ?

THANK YOUUUU! :star_struck: I don’t know what I did in the first round, and it didn’t work. But now it does :smiley:


thanks :slight_smile:
it’s all just the master distortion & compressor really. they can get pretty crunchy. the filters sound nice too, I p-lock them a bit.


And is there any possibility to use the TX-6 as a midi controller?

This is awesome!

I really love the saturator on the XY it sounds so good!


thanks Michaal.
I like it too :slight_smile: (the saturator)

I was thinking yesterday, on the punch-in track the 4 encoders have no function, but I frequently would love to be able to sweep the master EQ while using th punch-in fx.
would be cool if the EQ was accessible while on the punch in track.


That’s actually a neat idea…

I’ve always felt like it is a shame that we can’t paralock the EQ. Maybe if it was accessible from Punch in FX then it would be possible.

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