big time, would love if we could p-lock it too. yes
It’s possible!
If you go to the second page of the mixer (the one used to control the volume of the auxiliary tracks), you can double-click the mixer button to access the punch-in effects and use them simultaneously with the EQ.
Ooh right, so you have to first be on AUX track Punch in FX and then go to the mixer and then you will be in punch in fx and EQ at the same time…
It would be great if one page was dedicated toward performance, either in arrangement or mixer mode. It would be great to be able to un/mute tracks without having to hold shift, use the keyboard for punch in effects, and the knobs for master mix effects, like eq etc. and have this all on one page without any shift functions.
Currently there is no single page that is efficient for live performing like this, and for me this would be much desired given song mode is a little inefficient
The midi control is quite comprehensive though, so you can set up a midi controller for all that stuff.
The main issue for me is that when you mute a track while holding the instrument button, releasing it takes you to the instrument page of the track you just muted.
It would be much better if the « instruments mute »function didn’t change the page you’re currently on
True but in my case I’m using the xy specifically because I wanted to avoid a mess of devices and cables.
I think the opz had a system where you tap the track button three times to toggle that screen and the mute access, was very useful for performance.
(P.s in my case, When I say performance I don’t mean at a gig, I’m mean for recording my track out live as it would be much faster than faffing with scene construction currently.)
I get that, but at some point adding features messes up the UI instead, and you can’t unplug that.
Plus a midi controller is just one cable! Or, with BT MIDI, not even a cable!
There are definitely elegant ways to improve and refine the UI, I don’t see it as messing it up. On the arrangement page for example, m1,2,3,4 are hard fixed to new,copy,past,delete. Why not make those shift+ functions and then open up m1-4 as 4 different pages like in the other modes? M2 could be song mode, M3 could be performance page, m4 could be a playable version of space invaders.
(The reason i’m on about this a lot is because between kids and work I have no time, like 30 min snatches at night or on a commute, so any improvement to workflow and efficiency on the device is hugely important to me.)
Just to revive this issue - has anyone had any success getting bluetooth MIDI out of the XY? MIDI in seems to be working fine, but nothing is coming out. I’ve tried using both iOS and the CME H4MIDI WC.
oh sh1t. nice one
Good question. TX-6 only goes out on channel 1. If I ran it through a MIDI router I can maybe send different channels out to the XY. I can try later today.
I can get the XY to send midi notes out to the OP1F via BLE MIDI, but it did not work when I tried to send notes out via to a CME WIDI Thru6 to control my other gear so had to resort to plugging in via USBC.
FWIW I don’t think the XY can send clock via BLE MIDI so my intended method was never going to work anyway, unless they enable it via an update down the line.
Yes, no problem. Sent BT MIDI from the XY to Ableton on a Mac, to an iPad, and received from a piano keyboard with a yamaha 5-pin din to bt midi dongle.
Just heard back from TE about that little computer chip symbol that flashes in the upper right of the display:
“That’s a cpu indicator: white indicated heavy load, red indicates actual overload (and you might hear notes being killed).”
So basically what we suspected, but now it’s confirmed.
Can I ask:
- Are you sending it from the midi track?
- Did you have to do anything to change whether it sent from BT MIDI instead of the wired out port?
- Were there any other settings you enabled?
Yes-In the COM page, there’s a settings page with a section for midi. Make sure it is set to send. You may also have to tweak the midi settings in the COM “devices” page.
MIDI settings are spread around a bit. There are even some more in the Project settings, but they don’t apply here.
Good luck!
Hi guys,
Just received my unit
Does anyone know how to select usb audio output on the opxy? I am using a usb DAC with my headphones, a qudelix 5k. But when i plug my qudelix into the usb port of the opxy the audio still plays through the internal speaker of opxy. I cant find any settings to select the usb output anywhere.
The audio will play through both at the same time. Volume knob doesn’t affect the USB signal.