So the feedback input for Osc 1… Wow!
I have been totally neglecting this parameter until last night. I have just opened myself a whole new can of worms. Squishy, distorted digitally controlled worms… Yum! This is now my new favorite feature of the A4. Couldn’t find much else about it either here or in the manual. All the manual says is that it is filter feedback. Sounds to me like it is feedback from Filter 1 (but not Filter 2) via Osc 2. In this example I have Osc 1 set to Feedback and Osc 2 set to Off but with Level set to 100. In this way you can control the AM of the feedback but without adding Osc 2 to the mix. Sweet!
absolutely f*****g lovely !
Lol. Snapped out of my feedback trance at about 3am having spent hours noodling. Now i’m thinking about the possibilities with sampling this into the OT Seriously though, unreal capabilities with the A4. Usually I go to my eurorack for this kind of stuff. Need to make some CV cables so the two can go at it
That is what i like about the Elektrons…every piece is a kind of modular system in itself.
…a few experiments later … [mind officially blown] … in all seriousness, this is an absolutely insanely good spot, who’d have thought that you could mess the filter up so bl**dy beautifully by tweakin’ a grounded oscillator and associated settings, i’m envious you got here before me, there, i said it, but i’m also so bloomin’ glad you shared because (short of a lucky strike from a randomizer) there’s a good chance i might never have found this most wonderful of corners in its sonic palette - seriously glorious raw edgy tones i am getting here, quite possibly the most exciting i’ve heard from it, the good thing is this ain’t ever gonna be about patch sharing, you have to find those delicate balance-points from your own pcb-assembly, mine is different between tracks … i thank you
chucking this magic thru the multimode and awesome fx is just exquisite !
not even tried p-locking yet …
…a few experiments later … [mind officially blown] … in all seriousness, this is an absolutely insanely good spot, who’d have thought that you could mess the filter up so bl**dy beautifully by tweakin’ a grounded oscillator and associated settings, i’m envious you got here before me, there, i said it, but i’m also so bloomin’ glad you shared because (short of a lucky strike from a randomizer) there’s a good chance i might never have found this most wonderful of corners in its sonic palette - seriously glorious raw edgy tones i am getting here, quite possibly the most exciting i’ve heard from it, the good thing is this ain’t ever gonna be about patch sharing, you have to find those delicate balance-points from your own pcb-assembly, mine is different between tracks … i thank you
chucking this magic thru the multimode and awesome fx is just exquisite !
not even tried p-locking yet …
I know right ? It’s savage. Filter 1 Res and Drive up 100%… Schwweeeek !
I was wondering about it yesterday and there’s a post on the old forum with people arguing about what it does (and doesn’t) do. So I put it to the test. Also slowly adjusting the level parameter on Osc 1 from 0 to 127 gives wildly different results. Incrdi-bad. I’m hooked.
‘‘i’m envious you got here before me’’
lol. glad to be of assistance
I played abit with the feedback option some time ago., nothing spectacular:
The example from Cocker is realy impressive, the AM idea is great, will try that out, thx for posting !
hey, @Moderator
you need to delete this thread now mate, i’ve just sequenced this sh!t and nobody else should know about this, this is proper dangerous #tinnitus, oh my, this device was unbelievably good 1hour ago, i don’t know what to say about it now … out of superlatives, simply sublime !
no no, that’s very lovely too, gentler, shades of the Troberg YT demo, just not the brutal-broken-glass-modem-buzzsaw-screams that’s behind this o2 sync door !
That’s real nice. I’ll be tapping this resource for drones too. In my example I’ve used a lot of random LFO on Osc 1 Pitch, Osc 2 Pitch and Osc 1 Level. It’s the full Res and Drive on Filter 1 gives it the Crunch… plus the AM and the Noise.
4 am, and thats what happening , elektronsomania…
i tried the the feedback input ( i think) and kind of scary movie came alone
ill upload the preset to the sandbox. , you get wonderful sub sound (multi mode filter cutoff on 38
full reso)
the f1 freq and res will give you the ambience
the f2 will give you the wolf. higher reso=closer wolf
it was a my first take -DON’T USE EARPHONES !
Now seriously ,elektron users is a great creative community, so if someone enjoyed the preset its my kind of thank you all for sharing ideas and knowledge. yap, i’m an a4 newbie
This is great! - but those who remember the great self resonating OT chorus farce will now be worrying as to whether or not someone will threaten a law suit for damaged ears…
This made me grin so much that my face hurt…
This made me grin so much that my face hurt… :)[/quote]
Cheers. Working on incorporating this into some beats.
Now if only I had a Comb filter to pipe all this mayhem through…
[quote=“” Cocker""]
Now if only I had a Comb filter to pipe all this mayhem through…
so you haven’t played with the chorus then ?
so you haven’t played with the chorus then ? [/quote]
just sitting down now for this evenings session. i’ll give it a go
Is that how this video was made? If so… wow!!
Started messing with this tonight. I’d previously used the feedback mode for kicks and percussion stuff but AMing with Osc2 hadn’t occurred to me. I’m not sure when i switched on my A4 but next thing i know i look up and it’s 3:20AM! I feel like I got a new synth tonight