OT ARR mode row switch

Hello fellow Elektronauts! I was wondering if anyone has found a way to start arrangements from a selected row and not always from the beginning. In case the octatrack crashes, I need a way to quickly recover and continue where I left off. I thought that it must be some button combo but I’ve yet to find one… Is it possible?

I think arranger responds to midi song position pointer.

how would that work?

I think it’s possible to select the row via midi commands (SPP messages). I’ve never tried it so I can only link you to other threads like this one. But at least in theory it should work.

And this one:

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That’s cool! Though I’d be sad to see this as my only resort

Other then scrolling to the selected row, pressing [YES] to select and start playback from there, and any aforementioned MIDI options, there isn’t a quicker way that I can think of.