OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Shortcut for reloading parts, hold function and double tap the MIDI/Part button.


Volume knob to control the main volume like on the Machinedrum.
Has there ever been a response from Electron about this ?
Is it maybe because its hardwired to the headphone o/p ?

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to be honest there are many features that -in my opinion- really need to be reviewed by the elektron team.

  1. I think, the way the samples and slots are managed is not very handy.

I would like to suggest to implement something like a “kit structure”. A kit should be a set of samples that the user can assign to any pattern.
It should be similar to the use of the kits in the monomachine.

  1. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE !!! the ability to SAVE THE TEMPO !!! in each pattern.

  2. I think the OT should be able to record DIRECTLY into the card (yep, it is possible look at roland sp 404 or the EHX loopers or any ZOOM recording device).
    IMO 16 secs of recording time in 2013 it is … “weird”.


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-cool dubstyle delay like tapeecho

-a powerfull beat repeat


I believe, Function + cue is the part reload shortcut.

Do you know that you can change the time for how long it should record? You can change it so can record for up to 9 min in mono.
This was for Hatefish…

Trig-Mutes, like on the A4 … so some Trigs are then independent from the Fadermovements

that would be nice


function bank/edit when in a recorder-setup-page… you get this menu
where you can choose memory management…
or its to be found somewhere in your project settings…

I’d like to have p-locks in Live Rec placed also by keeping pressed the knob (or YES+knob), so you can put a fixed value across all the trigs.
…This happens already for removing p-locks (NO+knob)…

This way you dont have to put the value manually on all the trigs one by one

I would like a ‘round robin’ feature for use with sample chains.

You select the first and last slices to be used from within a sample chain on a trig and each time the trig trigs, it moves to the next sample before going back to the first. Or a random sound within the first to last.

4 snares, one after the other to vary snare sound. You could set up groups of snares on different trigs.

4 bar held chords that changes to a different chord (new slice) each time.

I hope that makes sense.

  1. Saving Patterns/Banks to other projects/sets including their samples.
  2. And be able to load all possible patterns of any set without seq. stopping.


Already doable with an LFO to slice.

Already doable with an LFO to slice.[/quote]
Thanks for that, I’ll look in to it :slight_smile:

Already doable with an LFO to slice.[/quote]
Thanks for that, I’ll look in to it :slight_smile: [/quote]
It can be done as random, but can you do that as round robin? Something like a super slow lfo designer waveform?

Already doable with an LFO to slice.[/quote]
Thanks for that, I’ll look in to it :slight_smile: [/quote]
It can be done as random, but can you do that as round robin? Something like a super slow lfo designer waveform?[/quote]
Yep. Design a staircase with the same number of steps as slices you want to cycle through.

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Scene latch. Allows you to play the scene keys live w/o having to hold down Scene B with your pinky. :imp:


^ nice one
+1 here!

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I am relatively new to the OT but a sidechain compression option?

Also is there an ability to load a sample folder and have the slots automatically populate?

Yeah, the lack to audio amplitude to parameter control for compression (or anything else) still makes me wonder.

I was also just thinking how useful audio envelope followers that put out MIDI CCs would be. I’d gladly give up an LFO if need be.

Copy Scene, paste to Part.

Copy Part, paste to Scene

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