Ha! I imagine this kind of thing had to have been in the works long before my comment, but I’ll take responsibility anyway
It’s been over 9 hours since the last OS and we still don’t have OB support. It’s like this company doesn’t care about us.
Yeah, I’ll fear that’s now really the EOL of the OT. What a bummer …
OB was IMHO never realistic for OT. Good to see that updates are still possible though. I was hoping for a xmas surprise, but not really thinking one would come. All thumbs up!
I’m going to wrap a CF card with the OS update in gift wrap, place a bow on it, put it under your tree and see whether you’ll be able to wait ‘til X-mas to open that shit up!
Reminds me I have a new 64GB since months!
Will I wait christmas too?
Really pleased by this new update BUT… individual swing per track maybe? Or I’m missing something and I’m an idiot (well I am, generally, so it wouldn’t be a surprise…) if so ignore the comment and please point me to the right direction.
Swing is per track (Level knob). It can be set for all tracks holding Func+ turning Level.
Mon héros compatriote à ma rescousse!!! <3 (translation: my fellow compatriot hero to my rescue!!! <3 ) Thanks a lot Sezare, you’re the grand wizard of OT realms! I gotta go back to RTFM , I guess. Really amazed by your knowledge of this machine, and even more by the fact that you are always willing to share it.
Merci !
I made a sanity check directly on OT.
Mute track per pattern
Tracks retain last selected trig mode. And save sample to slots. Surely these are possible. 1.40 has me dreaming bigger dreams.
The OT does have a “request all CCs” event that you can use to manually update your controller’s values after changing a pattern/part. I tried it with a BCR 2000 controller.
Thanks for the tip, unfortunately it’s the opposite way from what I am looking for, might have to change my MIDI Controller to one with encoders
I can relate to this OSv1.40 is still missing the most obvious thing for me…
LFOs affecting P-Locked parameters. MIDI tracks
Is this not what you want?! I thought LFOs always affected P-locks… P-lock the LFO?
My understanding of OT heirarchy is P-lock < LFO < scene
No. I wanted locked to stay locked. And open trigs to be affected.
But it doesn’t matter what I want.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.
Yeah, the way you lock the trig is to P-lock the LFO depth to 0.
Ya…I reverted to that.
My OP was based off past stuff.