Hi all
I’ve seen a few topics addressing this but not one in such detail - I’m hoping someone can explain to me some odd OT behaviour.
I’ve got a droning loop set up, with start and end points at zero crossings. If I set the loop going just by pressing the sample / MIDI trig (ie doing it manually), it happily plays away and loops without a pop or click.
As soon as I do something like place a one-shot trigger (I’m watching the sample play forwards and backwards on the AED display and it’s definitely not retriggering), I am ‘rewarded’ with a pop and a click every time the loop starts or stops.
The only difference between playing them off the Sample / MIDI trigs directly myself and doing a one-shot would seem to be the involvement of the step sequencer. I can’t for the life of me work out why this would cause a pop on looping though, and not when it’s happily looping away on a manual press.
No LFOs are active btw, they’re both Flex machines too.