No doubt, now news that the OT (both Mk1 and Mk2) will incredibly get the trig conditions from the analog (and DT) series, there’ll be a lot of OT centric discussion on this to follow
In the meantime, I thought it’d be good (for those without a later device) to browse the ins and outs and joys of TRCs Fills etc
Here’s one of the relevant threads to get primed, whilst in the meantime we ponder the potential prospects of arming a recording track equipped with a TRC (seems unlikely this will be possible, time (or ) will tell)
This is really going to crack the OT open for variation and evolving motifs…
So helpful for getting out of the robot like repetitiveness that you can fall into with grooveboxes…
Combined with midi loopback this should be rightfully insane…
sweet jebus. this will be a nice thing to have int he OT. stoked for it. per a thing i read on facebook the parameters will be tucked into the micro timing page somewhere.
Conditional trigs on thru machines when using OT as an FX processor for external gear… plus neighbor fx on a different pattern scale… with scenes, of course.
For a few things you can’t do from the audio side, like launch plays free tracks, for example…
Also just general expanded wierdness like conditional arping the audio side…