Phonicbloom Siluria - drone synthesizer with a built-in FM radio

I couldn’t find a thread. If there is one just delete this please.

It looks nice and the demos sound really good to me.

What can you do with Siluria?
Choose a waveform for the drone, tune it up to get the most out of it. Select another one for the main voice and play it using the 12-tone keyboard or external MIDI controller. Add modulation if you want - from FM radio if you feel lucky, or via line input or a WAV file for the exact result you are looking for. Spice it with effects, and record everything to the SD card, so nothing from your sonic journey is ever lost.

Adjust the main drone frequency using one of the knobs. Add harmonics by precisely tuning fractional delays, flangers and reverbs. Play on the keyboard using pre-defined scales, with the base note following the main frequency in a quantized manner, or go wild and let the pitch follow the polyphonic aftertouch, kraakdoos style.


This thing is so pretty.
I’d go for it if I wasn’t already anticipating a different kind of small exploratory instrument. Too much on my plate at the moment. I still really like my Gecho Loopsynth and Phonicbloom people were nice to chat with before.


Definitely has that “mysterious instrument” quality ( thread ).

Deserves a picture here :

Very pleasing to behold.


The “keys” remind me Solar 42 (which i am I in love).

As someone who recently found joy in creating textures, I definitely like what I heard in the demos. The knobs make it very practical too in my opinion.

You can also use it as a MIDI controller, in addition to controlling it with an external controller.

I couldn’t find any pictures of the small OLED screen on the side for setting some of the detail for operation.

I couldn’t see it in the videos too. I guess we will have to wait for an in depth review. The manual is not up yet too.

They may also still be squeezing some other features and operation into the firmware.

The way they asy “Add modulation if you want - from FM radio” is significant, rather than “use the sounds coming from FM radio”.

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From the internet :

The Silurian hypothesis is a thought experiment that explores whether there is evidence of advanced civilizations that existed before humans on Earth. The hypothesis was proposed by astrophysicists Adam Frank and Gavin Schmidt in a 2018 paper. The name comes from the reptilian humanoids in the Doctor Who episode where they were awoken by nuclear testing.



I found this post about naming:

Their website says :

Adjust the main drone frequency using one of the knobs. Add harmonics by precisely tuning fractional delays, flangers and reverbs. Play on the keyboard using pre-defined scales, with the base note following the main frequency in a quantized manner, or go wild and let the pitch follow the polyphonic aftertouch.

Not sure if the scales ( not reptilian scales ) are output with the MIDI controller too, as well as the pitch from polyphonic aftertouch mode. There was a request for an alternate touch sensitive controller the other day ( post ) and perhaps this thing has some of those capabilities ??

Something else interesting from their web page :

and record everything to the SD card, so nothing from your sonic journey is ever lost.

So you can record internally samples as it is playing ?

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In one of their demos on YouTube this is the description:

Siluria has a stereophonic line input and a built-in FM radio, so you can mangle the external sound beyond recognition! Randomly caught clips from the radio can add very interesting textures to your drones. In addition to this, you can import WAV files on the SD card for further processing.

A few effects can be applied, such as filter, reverb, delay and flanger (in another patch, you can get a different set of effects associated to the knobs).

It is a completely digital synth but the analog potentiometers are used for precise, high resolution control. Their smooth feel, instant response and the synergy that emerges from the seemingly infinite combinations of their positions, makes playing with Siluria a very pleasant and addictive experience :slight_smile:

What you hear is an unprocessed and unedited output (except for cutting and fading the segments in and out). Everything is recorded to the SD card, in perfect quality, so nothing is lost. Sound from the camera was mixed in as well, so you can hear the button click.

So i guess yes, it seems like you can record internally as you play.

you can mangle the external sound beyond recognition

This one is huge for people who like “sampling” as you may potentially get around a lot of copyright issues.


You know, I made a drone track about 8 or 9 months ago I called “silurian glimpse”, might be a sign :thinking:


Damn this demo is awesome. If it was under 500USD I would have preordered…


Didn’t expect that raw, buzzy sound. Love the idea of this thing, really. If it’s as fun as it looks, I may have to get one once I’m able to splurge on such a thing.

On the decorative side, they allow you to order it with a selection of custom knobs.


These folks have some interesting esoteric designs. This one fits right in. I think they really aced the aesthetic design and I’m very curious about its various functions. Not curious enough to pre-order, but I’ll definitely keep an eye out for this unit.

In many EU countries FM radio is being gradually switched off and replaced by digital radio (DAB). It is a mistake to add FM, they should have added another type of radio receiver as in the SOMA Messeiver.

In that case DIY. A low power FM transmitter costs 30 bucks or so.

Do we know what “add modulation if you want - from FM radio” means exactly ?

This looks and sounds stunning. Preorders are currently sold out…I’ll be back.

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I believe they are based in Europe. So they must be aware of that. Also a phase out may take so long that it may not be a real problem for most people. I doubt FM radios will be gone in short term.