Would you like to collaborate with me as part of my master’s studies in photography? You make a short composition/beat - I make a photographic animation. I use the experience to write an academic report. Details below.
My idea and photographic practice
As part of my studies towards a master’s degree in photography, I’m working with different forms of collaboration during September through December 2021.
The resulting work will take shape as a research report and a work-in-progress portfolio.
One idea for collaboration is working with musicians, beat makers and producers. I’m envisioning interesting synergies when the static nature of the still photograph meets the inherent temporality and rhythmicality of music of all sorts.
At this time, I’m imagining the finished pieces to end up as scored photographic animations or cinemagraphs.
My research focus is currently phrased as: “…a photographic research process where I use my own body and physicality to explore space and structures with special regard to non-human agencies and agential realism.”
I explore questions of subjectivity, agency, nature-culture and socio-materiality. I’m leaning on scholars such as Donna Haraway, Karen Barad and Cary Wolfe.
What’s in it for you?
I’m just assuming we’re mutually curious and driven by pleasure principle towards doing creative work. In addition to that I’ll send you a photographic print representing our collaboration and credit you (of course!) in the report and portfolio. Seeing this as a symmetrical collaboration - you are equally free to share, build on, and publish our resulting work.
The actual collab workflow
Make a composition of 8-16 bars in any tempo and time signature.
Optionally come up with visual clues (for example color, mood, feeling…) that goes with your music, for me to take into the photo session.
Compose a text document holding: 1) Your name/alias, 2) your email adress, 3) your Insta/SoMe details if you like, 4) your physical mail adress, 5) visual clues to complement your music and 6) a statement whether you’re comfortable to edit music to video and want to refine, redo or update the music once my photo/animation/cinemagraph is done.
This sounds like a great idea! Presumably your 8-16 bars is just a guideline - are you looking for something like 10-30 seconds? Or it doesn’t really matter so long as it’s short and succinct?
I have no clue if this can be of any interest for you, but there is a study from Gunnar Johansson in 1973 that talks about the perception of human motion, very interesting scientific approach you might get some inspiration from…
Well the deadline for my report and portfolio is december 6th.
But preferably much sooner than that, if I’m gonna be able to do the actual work. So if I can have music the coming weeks, or no later than the end of September, I’ll have good chances to work with the different submissions.
I’ll most likely get to work with whatever comes in… and if that turns out to be overwhelming, I’ll just draw the line then - whenever that is.
let’s say we have a raw motion capture sequence, recording the motion of 15 table tennis balls glued to the articulation of a human subject.
If you look at the very first image, not moving, you can vaguely recognize from the white points the shape of a human silhouette (we tend humanize anything unconsciously, take the Pixar lamp for instance).
Now get the sequence running: in a tenth of a second any human will identify if it’s a man or a woman, the action performed, and even tiny details such as the age or the mood of the person.
I found in my PhD that a lot of such information was in the coordination of the movement of the different parts of our body. So if you want some unreal, straightest path would be to break such coordination.
Hey @CarlMikaelBjork. I’ve uploaded a short track called Ether under my alias 100% Failure Within 72 Hours. I hope you like it. And if I did anything wrong or you need more info, hit me up any time
There are a rough handful of pieces submitted to date. There’s a broad range of genres, moods and tempos represented. I have another few vague yes-I’d-like-to-but-have-not-yet-submitted, that I’m hoping for. But honestly - I have submissions that will probably be enough to keep me busy!
Now follows a (most likely pretty slow) process of scouting locations, making sketches, shooting and editing. At this point I’m not sure whether I’ll share work in progress or if I’ll save everything until the collection and the accompanying paper is done.
In any case, work in progress would drip out through Instagram. When it comes to a proper “release”, I’ll let you know in this thread.
I really appreciate the submitted pieces and your willingness to be part of this academic/artistic exploration.