Pittsburgh Modular Voltage Lab 2

Available for preorder:


Looks like $1999 in the US, preorders are now available.


If you’re in the US, I’ll note that at Perfect Circuit the MOM10 mothers day discount still seems to be in effect and will save you 10% ($200).


I love what I’m hearing from the raw oscillators in these videos, not to mention the function generators, LPGs, and sequencer.

The Heinbach video convinced me – this is a rare pre-order for me.


Yeah it sounds great. Still a bit on the fence as I could conceivably get nearly there with a pair of Doepfer A155’s and a few more modules (namely, a good LPG); I wonder if Pittsburgh will make the sequencer/touch controller available as a separate unit again (I would be so all over that).

A few more videos:

Starsky Carr (very musical examples!)

Molten modular




Oh gosh! It’s a gorgeous sounding beast!:v:t2::fire:
The guys at PM have made an awesome work with Voltage Lab 2; An intriguing self-contained solution for all the synth nerds among us :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah, the touch controller looks quite fun… would be curious to see it makes its way to being sold in its own little boat maybe.

Would have liked to see a little mixer section with controls VS the straight adder type mixer in the patch bay.

Hard to directly compare it with the cascadia given it comes with the controller and you would maybe be spending another 1k to get cascadia up to speed with its own fun sequencer controller. Still I think the design on cascadia is annoyingly good. And when we are dropping 2k on something it’s starts to get into some territory where you save a bit more and get into serge or something.

Anyways this seems fantastic… good value and fun design, hope it does well for them.

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Agree but that’s more or less the equivalent of 2 serge panels which roughly will cost you 4k and serge controllers/sequencer are less complex if you don’t go with custom panels … Plus midi, case, etc … Sounds like a good deal.

I also like the cascadia layout and size but the sound never catch me, I’m hoping this will do (I haven’t wach the videos yet).
If you can ping the LPG and use the delay as a voice, I might be sold.

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This looks absolutely stunning, with one caveat: does it output in stereo? I’m not seeing any mention of it, even though the two oscillators, dual envelopes, chorus, delay, and sequencers seem like a natural fit for stereo.

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Detailed review at Perfect Circuit:

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No manual yet to confirm, but the main output looks to be mono. But every section has it’s own output and it’s trivial to send whatever you want to a mixer and put everything exactly where you want in the stereo field. I think the Heinbach video mentions something along these lines in passing.

It’s nice that it won’t be limited release and it’ll be available for a while! Looks stunning and awesome!


Early from SB !

Richard looks well.


Actually more excited about the sequencer. Would be cool if they put out a version for the Taiga, although there’s quite a few similar types already available.

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Others interested in that can move the video to 9:00 to see that.

Richard : "Think trig conditions in Elektron stuff."


What are the technical differences between the mk1 and the mk2?

(other than the name, It looks like they are completely different machines and the mk2 is the spiritual successor to the original. )

I can’t find anything actually comparing it to the original.

Looks like a ton of fun – June can’t get here soon enough!